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adsl / telephone line problem

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Hope someone can help,

I have an adsl modem connected to my telephone line, normally no problems with either, however, yesterday we lost our dial tone, cannot dial out and cannot receive phone calls, but I can dial in and connect to the internet using the adsl modem, sometimes.

Occasionally the dial tone returns but only for a few seconds.

I've tried changing the in line filter and also checked the line wires in the connection box.

but I still can't make or receive calls,

strange but when I lift the receiver on our phone fax I occasionally hear a french radio station announcer and music

any body any ideas as what the problem may be



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Just a thought, you say you can hear French station announcer, this may well indicate that an incoming caller has not ended a previous call and the telephone line is still open. This situation would probably still allow you to use ADSL. I think you have two options, wait until the open line caller clears the line or better still  telephone FT and their engineers should be able to clear your line.

Hope this helps.


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