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[quote]I have just connected to Wanadoo ADSL with very few problems, the only thing is every time I open outlook express I am asked for a password and the check box is greyed out, can anyone help please Man...[/quote]

I have Wanadoo myself (not ADSL unfortunately - lucky you), and have had problems with Outlook Express since Day 1.  It keeps creating a duplicate identity for me every time I log on, and now, for the past few months it refuses to accept the password on my original email address, so I cannot use that one now, only a new one I have had to create, which means I am probably losing a lot of mail. I have written to them several time, but with no success,  I get a standard letter referring me to their FAQ's. (So what is the point of their "Contact us"?????????? 
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Hi Krill,

If it's any compensation I've got the same problem. I now know my password by heart, so it's not such a problem. The bigger problem is that Wanadoo France are also giving me my old U.K. address mail and there is more spam in the than a Monty Python sketch. I would love to be able to contact W/doo France to get them to desist   ! Then the old address would fill up and the spammers can *******.

If anyone has any idea how to contact W/doo I would love to know? 


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[quote]Hi Krill, If it's any compensation I've got the same problem. I now know my password by heart, so it's not such a problem. The bigger problem is that Wanadoo France are also giving me my old U.K. add...[/quote]

Save your time.  If you have read my posting, you can see my experience.  There is a "Contactez Nous" on the left hand side of one of the Wanadoo.fr pages.  All you get in reply is a standard letter referring you to their FAQ's.  Which is really no help at all.
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Wanadoo is the problem, they and AOL use imap which basically means they take over your connection and utilise outlook express only through their connection, if you used their set up disk instead of a manual set up then you cannot use outlook express unless you connect through their connection wizard.  On this forum Mazan used to caution against ISP's set up disks for this very reason.  Unfortunately I can't remember the link he posted to assist you in the manual set up of your account.



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Thankyou, now I understand where I have gone wrong. Unfortunately I used the wanadoo start up disc.

I am having similar problems with having to enter a password and I am not able to send some of my email.

Is there anyway I can rectify this problem now?

If anyone can advice me please bear in mind that I am IT illiterate.

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[quote]Thankyou, now I understand where I have gone wrong. Unfortunately I used the wanadoo start up disc. I am having similar problems with having to enter a password and I am not able to send some of my e...[/quote]

When the main window opens with space to enter a password, DON'T enter one and just click on OK and your connection should fire up.

In the configeration panel, go into preferences and choose your email carrier.

Then keep your fingers crossed!!!!

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  • 1 month later...

[quote]Thankyou, now I understand where I have gone wrong. Unfortunately I used the wanadoo start up disc. I am having similar problems with having to enter a password and I am not able to send some of my e...[/quote]


I am about to load Wanadoo with start up disc....Having read this thread I am now unsure if I am doing the right thing...The main reason for changing ISP is so I can read emails via Outlook Express. How can I load Wanadoo without a disk

Fourm members will be pleased to know that I have taken their advice and about to dump AOL...



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You don't need a disk to connect to wanadoo all you need to do is configure internet explorer manually.

Right click on internet explorer

select properties

select connections

add new connection enter in the phone number, username & password, name for the account

make the account the default

Apply changes & save

exit properties and all should be well.

If not gimme a shout

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I also use Wanadoo though with Outlook rather than Outlook Express. I have had the duplicate (blank) account problem once or twice. I don't know if it is a Wanadoo or Windows issue.

One think I have found (with dodgy connections) is that if I am part way through Sending/Receiving mail and the connection drops, if I reconnect immediately, the connection asks for a password (presumably as Wanadoo think I'm already connected from elsewhere). This "lock-out" can last for several minutes (e.g. on occasions 10 mins or more)

I don't use the Wanadoo dialler/environment but have set up my own windows dial-up connection as I find the Wanadoo software slow and painful. I do not have problems with Outlook doing this, though don't know about Outlook Express. The Wanadoo environment seems to have recognised that I'm using Outlook (2002) though if I press the "Mail button" in my browser it starts the Wanadoo environment (which is not a massive issue for me as I just don't press that button).
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I don't use the Wanadoo dialler/environment but have set up my own windows dial-up connection as I find the Wanadoo software slow and painful.

I think that is always the best option, setting up your own connections because at least you know what you have done, how to fix any problems, speed things up and also does away with any email problems.

Same as you I found the wanadoo environment a pain in the backside. In Outlook express it sets up a default account via wanadoo and if you wish to use another ISP you have to set up another user account within outlook 'cause you can' get your mail!



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Just as a side issue.

Some "kind" person has "spoofed" my mail address from someone's address list and I'm getting (100+) mailer returns.

So always make sure you run a virus checker (any one free or other wise!!!!!) and load a spam catcher. Just loaded Inboxer 1.3. Excellent. Only works with Outlook 2000 - 2003 though. Or use an "autoblocker" like Earthlink has but they can be a bit OTT.

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[quote]Just as a side issue. Some "kind" person has "spoofed" my mail address from someone's address list and I'm getting (100+) mailer returns. So always make sure you run a virus checker (any one free or...[/quote]

The same thing happened to my brother a couple of months ago and it took 4 or 5 days for it to "quieten down".

Whilst we don't know how it happened he certainly did not have/had no caught any virus/Trojan/etc. software.  It may be that somebody else who had his e-mail address in their address book caught the virus and it happened to use his e-mail address from their address book.

I certainly agree about running virus checkers as whatever the cause we all have other peoples addresses in our address books and thus has something of an obligation to protect them and not inadvertently pass them on to malicious sources.

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[quote]Just as a side issue. Some "kind" person has "spoofed" my mail address from someone's address list and I'm getting (100+) mailer returns. So always make sure you run a virus checker (any one free or...[/quote]

I run a spam catcher K9 and although it does work perfectly well it does slow everthing else down.

You can also use (to some extent) the message regulations in outlook express to filter emails.


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I have had McAfee Virus protection and Firewall for about 3 years and it seems to be effective. Cookies? ...well the box of nuts and bolts has slowed down a bit.. so maybe. But someone told me some time ago that if your Address file starts with a couple of fictitious addresses that are a lengthy mixture of ones and zeros it can protect the rest of the file.

Does anyone know if this is true?

Coral - soon to be in the Ariege
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Hi Coral

I doubt if that would do any good - best protection is to ensure your antivirus and firewall are always completely up to date - I subscribe to virus alerts from several sources and there are on average 2 - 3 new viruses or variants every day.

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[quote]I am about to load Wanadoo with start up disc....Having read this thread I am now unsure if I am doing the right thing...The main reason for changing ISP is so I can read emails via Outlook Express. H...[/quote]

Harvey, what OS are you running?
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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote]I also use Wanadoo though with Outlook rather than Outlook Express. I have had the duplicate (blank) account problem once or twice. I don't know if it is a Wanadoo or Windows issue.One think I have ...[/quote]

Hi Redcap here!

Question, can I set ADSL/broadband configurations manually?

Having just signed up with Wanadoo Broadband (or ISDN, not sure the difference)in Dep22, I'm having problems with Outlook Express & Wanadoo.  It seems similar to many on various forums, duplicate accounts being generated each time I reconnect to OE, and asking for P/W for this account.  I had managed to change my e-mail address to one of my choosing, and as long as you reconfigure OE to the new e-mail address all seems OK.

I know with dial up you can set the configuration yourself, but how can I do this with ADSL, I have checked the account/options etc, but cannot find the telephone number needed.  Can one configure ADSL/broadband manually, or do we have to use the installation disk provided, which puts all that junk on the system!

Any advice greatly appreciated as slowly going nuts!!



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I don't know if the same applies in France however, I have ADSL here in the UK and the phone number that it is shown in my dial up is 0000000 (7 zeroes) - the area code is left blank.

As ADSL is always present on the telephone line, the ADSL software automatically connects to the line on start up.

I then open my browser and upon doing so, the dial up box appears. As my account name and password are already present all I have to do is click the OK button and I am on the Internet.

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[quote]BobI don't know if the same applies in France however, I have ADSL here in the UK and the phone number that it is shown in my dial up is 0000000 (7 zeroes) - the area code is left blank.As ADSL is alw...[/quote]

Hello david,

Thanks for your reply, I think that was how my broadband connection went in UK, can't remember if the numbers were all 0000's though.  With the wanadoo Fr broadband, it seems that I am stuck with their connection software at present.  It is causing all sorts of probs, mainly the e-mail as mentioned earlier.  There must be something in the registry that keeps telling it to create a new e-mail account every time I start Outlook Express.  Also, every time I fire up from standby, the system crashes.  It's causing me to to go and have another drink!

Come on techies help me get rid of Wanadoo's crap software so I can get back to surfing the net!



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The original problem is covered on Wanadoo's site, it is usually the result of an problem with an upgraded version of Outlook (I think 6); there is a "cure" which can be downloaded directly from the site. There are other possible causes which are covered in detail on their Assistance site. I personally had problems because I hadn't configured McAfee correctly. The Wanadoo Assistance team were very helpful and patient in identifying and resolving the problem; I contacted them by e-mail through the site, giving all the information requested initially.

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Thanks Pucette for reply, had quick look at Wanadoo Assistance, and will work through problems, if I can get my wife to help translate!

I would still like to know if anyone has been able to eradicate their PC of Wanadoo Espace software?  I like to be able to connect directly to the net without having all the carry on with Wanadoo's icons etc!



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At your own risk:

I have not removed the Wanadoo “stuff” but don’t use it. I did this both when I had dial-up and later for ADSL. Both worked fine. I even checked the ADSL with Wanadoo.

There will probably be differences between different Operating systems but you basically setup a standard Windoze dial-up connection to the internet.

For dial-up, make sure you use the correct phone number as, for example is you have a 100hr per month contract and configure the “pay-as-you-go” phone number you will be paying twice. You can check the phone number Wanadoo is using for your contract by watching the Wanadoo stuff when it dials.

The ADSL is easier as you just setup a new Broadband connection to the Internet and that (for me) was it. However, it may be that exactly what you set may vary depending on the ADSL modem you have (I’m using an Ethernet one).

I’ve left in all the Wanadoo workspace, connections, etc. but just don’t use them. I did get rid of the Wanadoo icon in the application tray (right side of the taskbar – normally bottom of screen). Cant remember how I did it. I thing the wanadoo stuff was in the registry and for XP you can use MSConfig to stop it starting.

Also, exactly how you end up having to do things will depend on how you are using the connection. For example, is it a shared connection, is it Firewalled (with either windows firewall or a 3rd party firewall). You may need to modify your firewall settings to mark the new connection as using “Internet” security parameters.

I have no idea how capable you feel with doing these things with you computer, so all the usual provisos apply (“Messing up your registry can be bad for your health”, basically setting up a new connection is pretty safe but getting rid of the application tray icon can be a bit more risky”).

Hope above helps, if not, post back.
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