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I have been looking for a thread posted a couple of weeks ago telling us we could now get ITV 3 free. It gave instructions on setting new frequency rate etc, which I followed and got the channel straight away - but since then I can't get BBC2, which I think I prefer to ITV3 (specially as the boxing begins in 5 mins!!) Trouble is, since changing the settings I can't bloomin' remember what they were originally! Can anyone tell me what they should be please?
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Not enough informatoin given to really suggest much, have you a French box or a UK box?

Are you on Sky or using an ex sky or freeview card?

BBC 2 is at several places obn the sky menu,  you should not have to find it through entering its settings.  I presume that you have tried 102 and the regional variations that are around Channl 960.  If you have set up  ITV 3 through "add channels" and not channnel 118, there is no reason why 102 should have altered, however if you have a French cardless box or a really old card you you can get ITV 3 but not ITV 2 ( or ITV 1 Channel 4 and 5).

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Thanks Bob. We have a Panasonic Sky digibox - no card - and were receiving BBC 2 fine. It still shows up on the programme listings (channel 102)

I have found the settings I changed on the instructions on here. Luckily I wrote them down. (Trouble is - I don't know what they were originally!)

Frequency 10906 Mhz

Vertical Polarisation

Symbol rate 22000

FEC 5/6

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Two thoughts, try unplugging your digi box for a while, when it restarts it will search for listings and you should/might get BBC 2 back on 102, if not try 960-963.  I have one box without a valid card and although that cannot get ITV 1 or Ch 4 &5 , it picked up ITV 3 automatically wthout any problem on 118.

Not that I was particularly interested in it but has anyone noticed Fashion TV appears to have dissapeared off the listings  

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It doesn't affect BBC2. but Sky has reshuffled the channel numbers of many of the shopping and special interest channels. I think this was done after Fashion TV disappeared, though. That was withdrawn from the Sky lineup last month, it is still broadcasting but only on Hotbird (not Astra) to Europe. I can't find out any reason, but like you I'm not really very interested.

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Tried leaving the digibox unplugged overnight to no avail. Nearest I got to BBC 2 was the subtitles for The Weakest Link on 960 but no picture! That reminds me - any idea how to get rid of the subtitles?? Seriously - nothing seems to work and they are on permanently!
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If you are using a Sky digibox in France then you never need to use the "add channels" menu at all. All the usual channels appear in the regular EPG listing entirely automatically and you can find all the usual channels from the TVGuide button.

Probably someone has been fooling about with the default settings on your box. If so then they should all be reset to the default. The default is 100% correct for normal dishes in France. There are no exceptions to this.
If that isn't so then your dish is probably incorrectly aligned. This should be done by someone competent and not by a bodger. A suitable dish aligned by someone competent will provide a perfect picture on all UK channels throughout France in everything bar the most torrential rain or snow.

You can turn off the subtitles from the services menu, sub-section "languages and subtitles" as it very clearly explains in the digibox manual.

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Thanks for that Mazan. I'm afraid we didn't get a manual as we bought it off Ebay, but I will sort out the subtitles in a mo. I don't think it's a problem with the dish as we have been receiving a perfect signal for BBC 1 and 2 for almost a year, with no interference - unless - as you said - we have torrential rain. Could you instruct me on how to revert to default settings? I changed them manually on the 'Add Channels' programme, following instructions on how to pick up ITV 3, but not realising I might lose any existing channels. By the way - BBC 2 does show up on the listings, on 102 and also a couple of times 0n 960/961 (Scotland, North East, and Northern Ireland I think)
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To rest the defaults go back to ADD CHANNELS and once there you will see an instruction at the bottom of the display marked by a red box which then states Rest Symbol Rate & FEC settings.
Assuming that you have a SKY remote, aim the remote at the digibox and press the red button. Then use the BACK UP button to escape right out of the system.

Just as a thought, you say that BBC2 appears in the EPG on 102 - what happens when you select this? Do you receive BBC2 or not?


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Thanks David, I will go do that in a mo. When I select channel 102 at the moment all I get is a blank blue screen - no message. I will see if anything happens after I have restored the original settings. Never thought I would ever miss the Weakest Link - but after suffering the French version ......................................................................
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There is a bug in some Panasonic Digiboxes that prevents direct access to some of the BBC channels.

Try entering 630 to go directly to the QVC shopping channel, then immediately enter 102 to go directly to BBC2.

There is a permanent fix available at:


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As a follow on to the previous posting go to channel 102 BBC2 then unscrew the ariel connection on the back of your digibox take out the connection put it back in wiggle it about a bit and if you suddenly get BBC2 then you have the problem described above Satcure sell a small piece to fix this problem for about £10

We had this problem last year with our panasonic and fixed it using the piece supplied from Satcure

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Yes, it is a Panasonic actually. I've tried both you guys' suggestions - thanks - but still to no avail.   I'll go take a look at what the satcure thingy is and decide after all this whether I still want BBC 2 or whether it's not worth the hassle! Wonder what Christmas goodies BBC 2 has in store for us this year?


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