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bad news for neuf unlimited dial up subscribers

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I have just received a letter this morning, saying that from jan 2005 neuf are converting exisiting unlimited RNIS and RTC dial up contracts  to a 100hour limited contract  (which BTW the also call unlimited ) - there is also included a slip to cancel the contract alltogether.





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Tiscali are still showing 74.95€ a month on their website today, for Numeris / ISDN connection, but it appears to allow 128kbps. They do not make it clear if you can use their 10€ for 300 hours plus on a single 64 kbps Numeris connection, which would be a better offer than Neuf, if you can.
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I thought that the Tiscali site was pretty clear.

Dual-channel ISDN is limited to PAYG services ("totale liberté", ho ho) and the bill from FT will of course be double per minute for dual-channel connections.

The only ISDN unlimited package is the €75 one which is single channel. The €10 package is not available to new ISDN users and, as far as I know, it is to be scrapped for existing ISDN users in a few weeks. At the same time Tiscali will be increasing the cost of non-degrouped 512k ADSL to €25 or €30 for 1024k.

This makes Tiscali very expensive for ISDN forfaits or non-degrouped ADSL and I for one will take advantage of the possibility of leaving them before my year's ADSL contract is up when they increase the price.

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[quote]>Tiscali are still doing the unlimited >ISDN access for 29.95 They certainly are not.The price for this went up to €75 more than a year ago.[/quote]

They most certainly ****ing well do. I didn't claim it was for a new contract. And I pay 24.95/month. Every time they try to put it up I complain & it comes down again. BUT, as I said above - I don't know how long for.

Welcome back.

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There seems to be some confusion here. Why are you talking about sending a slip in to cancel 9Online if you are with Tiscali?

Anyway, the following applies either way:

Over a year ago Tiscali sent out letters to all ISDN users of the then 25E unlimited package informing them that the package would soon be going up to 75E. At that time there were three options:

1) move to the daytime only package at 16E,

2) pay the 75E

3) cancel.

The daytime package is now also no longer available for new ISDN users.

If you are still using the Tiscali day and night unlimited option on ISDN and you are not paying 75E then you are a very rare and lucky bird indeed. In fact I would go as far as to say that you are probably alone in the entire country. Your circumstances certainly aren't applicable to any new subscriber anyway.

I personally know dozens of Tiscali customers who were hit by this and I know of no one on ISDN who is still with them and who isn't paying 75E for the day and night package. Apart from the dozens I know personally, I also know of user groups that represent thousands of disgruntled Tiscali ISDN users, and none of them are still paying 25E either.

So, do enjoy your luck but don't suggest that others will be as lucky. They won't be.

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Hmmm, hunting around again :-(

wanadoo has a (?)new offer that for an extra 3 EUR TTC, you get half-tariff access between 11pm and 8 am. The base package is 25 EUR for 120 hours a month, but that might make it slightly more palatable.

Does anyone have any experience of netbysky and their reliability, etc?

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[quote]There seems to be some confusion here. Why are you talking about sending a slip in to cancel 9Online if you are with Tiscali? Anyway, the following applies either way: Over a year ago Tiscali sent o...[/quote]

Ho hum.

I took out a 9online sub when Tiscali threatened to put the price up to 75E.

No confusion here, except with you. Perhaps your extended leave of abscence has addled yer wotsit eh dear?

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I took out a 9online sub when Tiscali threatened to put the price up to 75E.

So you have two unlimited ISDN forfaits with two ISPs and have had them since Tiscali increased prices late last year? And Tiscali have made a special exception for you and don't charge you the 75E ISDN price that everyone else in the country pays? That makes you doubly unusual and I can honestly say that I know of no one else like that.

Out of curiosity, which ISP do you actually use? Perhaps Tiscali don't charge you the proper ISDN rate for your forfait because you never use it?

And why pay 25E to 9Online and another 25E/30E to Tiscali (with the threat of them billing you the full 75E that everyone else pays) when you can get one unlimited ISDN forfait for just 40E, some 10E less than the total 50E (or 55E or 125E) of those two? Very unusual.


Perhaps your extended leave of abscence has addled yer wotsit eh dear?

My whotsit isn't so addled that I find your setup to be a very good deal, or is there more to it all?

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[quote]I took out a 9online sub when Tiscali threatened to put the price up to 75E. So you have two unlimited ISDN forfaits with two ISPs and have had them since Tiscali increased prices late last year? An...[/quote]

Essentially, yes.

We have had this discussion before, I suspect. About the time (Feb/Mar) that Tiscali increased the prices. Of course I don't use 2 ISP's (except on rare occasions when 'er indoors' notebook is not connected to our network). I use Tiscali (@ 24.95/month). Hence I am quite happy to let 9online go. Probably. Of course, them rotters at Tiscali may well increase the price, even to me. I do so enjoy being unique. At least I would, if I were.

So who is doing unlimited for 40E? I still need a fallback position.

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