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Help....My ASDL don't WANADOO!

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Hi Guys

I have recently moved from Ireland and am struggling to get my Wanadoo ASDL set up. I am following all the instructions through to the final test and then it fails!

All cables in correct places, phone line works. The only thing I can see is that we have a phone extension requiring us to dial "0" to get the line for my regular ISP and phone calls. I can't see any way of changing the set up for the ASDL configuration.

Am I missing something really simple?

Any help appreciated as it is getting to me now!


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You don't have to dial any prefix like 0 etc.

Here are some very basic instructions to try and get you working with a basic setup after which you can play around as you see fit.

The filter should be connected to the first and main telephone socket coming in to the house and then the phones plugged in after that. Don't plug the phone in first then the filter. (the filter is the phone connector that is on the end of the ADSL modem.

The most obvious question then is have you asked French Telecom to enable ADSL on your phone line, it is not a automatic function.

I have seen problems with some versions of Windows which are in English when a French program is installed, it can over write dll's.

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If you pluged the modem straight in to the phone socket it may (there is a small chance) that it blew the modem. If ADSL is precent you should have possibly a green light on the modem but no red ones.

Did you ask french Telecom to enable ADSl on your phone line and does your area suppoert ADSL as there are still some areas in France that don't?

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The only thing I can see is that we have a phone extension requiring us to dial "0" to get the line for my regular ISP and phone calls.

If you dial 0 for an outside line you have some sort of autocom/switchboard/PABX. ADSL will never work behind a PABX. You must put the ADSL filter before the PABX and this may be in another part of the building. You may also need to put a filter on every phone outlet that is in use.

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That makes sense!

We have a small PABX systemwith 4x extensions. I thought that I was plugging in before the system....it musn't be the case.

We are only in the house about 6x weeks. Still trying to find how some of the things work....Think I might need a bit of technical help on this one!

Thanks for all the suggestions though!


Bye the way.....we have found a phone operator to allow us all UK & Ireland for € .01 cent per minute any time, if anyone is interested I can pass on the details.

Bye for now

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A pabx system will block ADSL, as said, so the filter must go where the line enters the premises. ADSL does not like extension leads, unless marked for ADSL. You should not need filters for the phones off the pabx because they have been isolated by the incoming filter. I have it in my mind that you may need a special filter to deal with pabx's, seen something somewhere and can't remember the detail - try google! Multiple filters are only needed for phones paralleled off your incoming line.

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