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Links in e-mails that don't respond

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For the past couple of weeks I've been unable to activate links that senders have inserted in their e-mails. I double click, get a slight on-screen reaction, and then nothing. This is very frustrating when commercial sites are referring you to information that you can't then access, or friends want you to look at something interesting. Many of the commercial sites have become user-friendly and replaced www-type links with a descriptive phrase. This makes it impossible to copy the link! Can someone help me to get this function back please.

Groetjes, Angela
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Don't know what is the cause of your problem as there are many possibilities.

In fact it stems from people trying to be too clever. I consider there is nothing wrong with a link that says www.somwhere.com (as you know its a web site in the same way as you know me@bugus.com will send an e-mail message) - things like "click-me for more info" don't tell you what is going to happen (including opening a virus'd document, etc.).

What happened on my computer is that the security settings stopped such links activating (have not bothered to find out where as I don't personally use them as I tend to delete html format e-mail messages due to the risks from their content). Many companies tend to avoid html format e-mails these days as, many systems use a scoring system to detect SPAM (e.g. key words in text, key words in subject, html format message, etc.) and html tends to add points and is thus more likely to be rejected or classed as SPAM. Similarly, should an html message arrive at a SPAM trap, it is far more likely to become a blocked sender by virtue of the html format message.

Sorry but I can't be a lot of help.
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I'm only trying to click on links from known websites, like KLM or easyJet. My son and daughter often send me interesting links if I ask them for information or opinions and I can't activate anything. It's very frustrating. Is there anyone out there with any idea of a setting I might have inadvertently changed, for example.

Yours hopefully, Angela
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When you click on the link is it bringing up your browser and dispaying a 'page not found' message or is it failing to initiate your browser?

"In fact it stems from people trying to be too clever. I consider there is nothing wrong with a link that says www.somwhere.com (as you know its a web site in the same way as you know me@bugus.com will send an e-mail message) - things like "click-me for more info" don't tell you what is going to happen (including opening a virus'd document, etc.)."

Most links are too long to display on an e-mail so this is the way round it. Also they could still display a link in an email that says www.livingfrance.com but direct it elsewhere if they wanted. 


Or fibbing about the real destination within status bar info within browsers as well (this link below is safe):

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"Also they could still display a link in an email that says www.livingfrance.com but direct it elsewhere if they wanted. " Which is one reason why html format e-mails are generally regarded with suspicion. Also, the same security issues that stop the “Click-Me” from working would also stop the “mis-named” link from working.
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I had something similar occur when I was wanting to book flights on the British Airways site, and also on Ryanair and some ferry sites.  It was infuriating.

Eventually I happened to notice that a name, "AdZapper", which appears on the right-hand end of a toolbar just below the URL slot on my browser, would give a little flutter when I tried these sites.  So I clicked on this AdZapper, and found it was something that prevented pop-ups - even *useful* pop-ups! 
There is a way either to switch it off, or to make exceptions of certain sites, so that you *do* get these essential pop-ups.

I wonder if this could be your problem?

Happy New Year

Angela (another one)

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Hi Angela,

Thanks for your reply, I've just had a week in England and had hoped the problem might have solved itself in my absence. No such luck.

Today I was trying to register for on-line statements from France Telecom and had a very frustrating time clicking on non-responding links. They had actually given their users the copy/paste option should clicking on 'cliquez ici' not work. So I can't be the only one with this problem!

Then I saw your reply. I've looked in 'Settings', 'Programs' etc., but can't find a likely suspect to delete. Any more ideas would be welcome, as I feel I'm getting there. Slowly.

Groetjes, Angela (locally known as Angèle)

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Hi Angela

Sorry, I didn't mean to be mystifying about how to turn off the ADZapper...  It's just that with my UK PC, once I had clicked on the heading "AdZapper", there was a chance offered to permit popups for specific pages - so that's what I did; and it worked for my BA, BF and other interactive pages.

Just got to my house in the Vendee today, however, and have turned on my *other* PC, to find that on this machine I do not have the AdZapper heading that I mentioned above, below and to the right of the URL slot. :-( 
So I guess maybe you do not have that either on your computer.

I have done a Google search for "allow popups", and come across a forum where the question was posed:
Q "How do I allow PopUps from sites that I trust ?"
A  "You can allow any PopUp at any time by simply holding the Control Key (CTRL) while you click the link that creates the PopUp."

I wonder if it could be as simple as that?

If that doesn't work, perhaps you should try re-posting in this forum, but this time asking the knowledgeable LF forum folk how to permit popups  I bet somebody will come up with the answer.

Bon courage

Angela (85; not my age!)

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**You can allow any Pop-Up at any time by simply holding down the Control Key (CTRL) while you click the link that creates the Pop-Up - I wonder if it could be as simple as that?**

I have 'Pop-up Stopper' and that is exactly the way it works.

Give it a try - you have nothing to lose!


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