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I have just found a dead easy way to get sky viewing cards...  No Dodgy questions...


All you need to do is phone 0870 606 1111 and choose option 1. Ask for just a viewing card. Sky will then take your name, address and telephone number. Payment can be made by any credit card (and I think they take debit cards). Much better and safer than buying second hand from ebay - with no guarantee how long it will stay active.
You should receive your new card in 3 to 5 days. I ordered mine at 10pm on Monday and it arrived on Wednesday morning
There is no need to connect your digibox to the telephone.











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Sorry but what is great or news about this?  You always have been able to get a sky card in the UK if you subscribe to Sky, 

Now that you have the card, presumably you are in the UK, - if you believe SKy, which I do as nobody has said otherwise -  you will have to get it activated in the UK in the box that it will be used in as they are then linked, so how do you propose to do that? 

You could take a chance and activate in another UK box, but that will alter the set up on that box, and then what happens if it does not work in your French based box?  You could take the card to France and activate it there, so you then put it your French based box and then phone sky.........from France?

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If you look at the channels listed, I think you will find that the poster is referring to the FTV card which are available for a one off payment of £20. Sky started to  reissue these card some weeks ago and they are self activating which will allows one to view channels such as ITV1, Channels 4 & 5. and are guaranteed to last for at least 2 years. If one is in France and the card  does not activate just phone Sky on a mobile phone and there will be no problems. Before panicking leave the card in the digibox for 24 hours as some channels are slow to react.


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It's good when someone is pleased to get a SKY card with no trouble at all.

Why Ron prints such a negative reply with so much mis-information is beyond me. It spoils the forum when people reply with information that is plainly not correct. Reading past posts will explain everything Ron.


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[quote]Sorry but what is great or news about this? You always have been able to get a sky card in the UK if you subscribe to Sky, Now that you have the card, presumably you are in the UK, - if you belie...[/quote]

That's not so for FTV cards.  They will update in any box.  All you need do is put the card in your Sky box and leave it on Sky News.  It will update in anything between three and twenty-four hours.  You can do the same thing with a card that has been left out of a box and is no longer working.  This only works for the latest cards with the yellow house logo.  Older cards are now obsolete.

However, cards for subscription channels are matched to the box, and have to be switched on in the original Sky receiver.

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        we receive sky here in the uk at the moment, can I just take this box with me when I move and still receive sky if i do not cancel my subscription ??? I know I will probably need a bigger dish and to set it up but will it still work in 79 ??


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If you bought your Sky digibox under contract to keep it connected to a phone line and you have completed one year, the box is now yours to do what you like.

Yes, it will work anywhere in France with the mini dish but if you have poor quality pictures just buy a larger replacement dish in France. To maintain your subscription all you need do is to pay by DD from an UK account. If you decide to cancel your account your card will still allow you to watch all the FTV and FTA channels.


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[quote]It's good when someone is pleased to get a SKY card with no trouble at all. Why Ron prints such a negative reply with so much mis-information is beyond me. It spoils the forum when people reply with...[/quote]


The post was about getting Sky not the BBC and ITV etc, the only way that you can get Sky is with a Sky card, not a Free to View card. The post it now appears was about getting a FTV card, which are not from Sky and are not called Sky cards

Nothing I said about a  SKY card was inaccurate or misinformed, even the original poster agrees that these have to be box linked, what spoils a forum is when people post without reading the title of the posting 

Reading past posts?  Which are these then, how far back are we going here???  I have looked and I cannot see any recent posting about FTV cards being available again, in  March this year it was announced that the offer had closed.  So it was quite reasonable to assume that the post was about Sky cards

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[quote]"The post it now appears was about getting a FTV card, which are not from Sky and are not called Sky cards"This FTV service is called Sky Freesat and is run by Sky.Quote, " Tel: 0870 606 1111. Sky has...[/quote]

Thank you for the clarification, I stand corrected, the original FTV cards were not from Sky.
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Yep, I just called the number and was promised a card to my UK address within the week.

20pounds for 3 years, they said.

I suddenly suffered a slight deafness when they read out the bit that it must only be used in UK etc.

Apparently it should be self-activating, but a phone number is supplied just in case.

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[quote]You'll not get Sky in Deux Sevres with a mini dish, you will need a 65cm dish to get all channels. In heavy downpours you'll probably lose all reception even with a 65 cm. However, it will be fine f...[/quote]

".....You'll not get Sky in Deux Sevres with a mini dish, you will need a 65cm dish to get all channels...."


Surprised you can't get a decent signal from a mini dish in Deux-Sevres... I'm almost due west of Parthenay at the bottom of Loire-Atlantique and one of my boxes is on a mini-dish and it works perfectly in all but the most biblical of storms, and even then it only loses the signal for a minute or two. Are you sure it's aligned properly?


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If you are getting all of the channels with a 45cm mini dish then you are very lucky.  The footprint for Astra 2D shows that you need a minimum size of 60cms from about Royan in the west to roughly Colmar in the east of France. 

There are always exceptions to any rule, as some people are able to receive Astra 2D in the area of Nice with a 65cm dish.  Others in the same area have had to use a 1 metre dish before they got a signal.

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I use a mini dish in the Narbonne area and you can't get much further south than that. Only in the most severest of weather conditions do I loose the signal but that also applied when I used a 80cm dish. The secret is to make sure that the dish is exactly aligned and I wouldn't worry about the footprint maps as they are not very accurate.

Having a 45cm dish IMO looks ascetically far less obtrusive on top of a property and less likely to be damaged in the high winds in Languedoc. In fact my previous larger dish was torn out of a concrete wall by gale force winds and the current one has survived the last 6 years.


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[quote]I have just found a dead easy way to get sky viewing cards... No Dodgy questions... All you need to do is phone 0870 606 1111 and choose option 1. Ask for just a viewing card. Sky will then take ...[/quote]




Thanks for the information on the "Sky Freesat"

My original "Free to Air" card, has lost all ITV channels and recently BBC1 has gone, so I am well pleased, with your post I have contacted Sky on 0870 606 1111 and paid my one off payment of £20 and the card should arrive in time for Xmas.

So thanks again and a merry Christmas to you and all readers of the forum.


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[quote]I use a mini dish in the Narbonne area and you can't get much further south than that. Only in the most severest of weather conditions do I loose the signal but that also applied when I used a 80cm di...[/quote]

I really can't comment about your apparent ability not to lose 2D signals as far south as Narbonne with a 45cm dish.  Someone in Toulouse, with a 1 metre dish and 0.6db lnb, gets a weak signal on 2D and loses it completely in the rain, as reported on one of the satellite forums.

I was never able to receive ITV in Millau with a 65cm dish and a 0.3db lnb.  Dish was correctly aligned and lnb skewed using a Digisat Pro satellite meter.  This was before BBC migrated to 2D.

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Someone in Toulouse, with a 1 metre dish and 0.6db lnb, gets a weak signal on 2D and loses it completely in the rain, as reported on one of the satellite forums.

An 80cm dish with a standard LNB when properly installed will receive all Astra 2 channels perfectly everywhere in France during normal weather. The only time an 80cm dish will lose the signal is during monsoon rain or snow. There are no exceptions.

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[quote]Someone in Toulouse, with a 1 metre dish and 0.6db lnb, gets a weak signal on 2D and loses it completely in the rain, as reported on one of the satellite forums. An 80cm dish with a standard LNB wh...[/quote]

That is just not so.  There are numerous examples of people in France unable to receive channels on Astra 2D even with 1 metre dishes.  Unfortunately, the satellite signal is not necessarily radiated equally in all directions, although this is assumed in calculating the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power. Thus, sidelobes exist whereby the EIRP can be lesser, or greater, leading to variations in the size of dish required.
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[quote]You'll not get Sky in Deux Sevres with a mini dish, you will need a 65cm dish to get all channels. In heavy downpours you'll probably lose all reception even with a 65 cm. However, it will be fine f...[/quote]

Well we do but as the poster says a heavy downpour may affect it but it is ok here for 99.99% of the time. Worth saying that we have a Panasonic box and they may be a bit more sensitive than some of the others...........John not Jackie in 79
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[quote]My original "Free to Air" card, has lost all ITV channels and recently BBC1 has gone, so I am well pleased, BBC1 requires no card, ever, under any circumstances. Your dish is badly aligned or you ha...[/quote]

Hi Mazan,

Thank you very much for the tip on my loss of BBC1.

You were right about alignment of the dish, a slight tweak and BBC1 was back.

Thanks again and a merry christmas to you.


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