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I've just received my first Tsunami scam email - amazing that it has taken the scum a week to get active on this one. It originates (probably) in South Africa and claims to be from Holland.

The key part of the text reads

Kindly make your donation for the victims via ASIAN

COMMUNAL RED CROSS SOCIETY, on behalf of the victims.




The give-away is that the International Red Cross do not use aol email addresses...
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Lets not forget the scum that are 'turning over' the houses of the missing and those who have flown out to look for them. This is similar to the 'nice' practice of burgling houses whilst the funeral of the person who lived there is taking place.

There is also now the problem of people trying to 'appear dead' to rid themselves of debts and/or take the authorities off their trail. This first came to light in a bit way on 9/11 and at least this time a database is being held so that every missing person can be checked against police databases around the world. I gather that rape and child abduction is also taking place.

Makes you wonder about the world we live in.

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[quote]But if you think that is sick, how about a guy who emailed people telling them their relatives are dead?http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/lincolnshire/4142463.stm[/quote]

Some **** (who is still in custody) and a few scammers (and anyone one who falls for this sort of thing deserves everything they get) pales into insignificance when compared to YOUR (I disown the lot of them) politicians scoring party-political points out of this disaster. Worse still are the child-sex peddlers who are exploiting the situation. Remember that the Thai sex trade is a Western phenomenon.
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<<When are we going to get tough on people who have no right to live next to and breathe the same air as decent honest citizens of the human race.>>

SON:  And must they all be hanged that swear and lie?

LADY MACDUFF:  Every one.

SON:  Who must hang them?

LADY MACDUFF:  Why, the honest men.

SON:  Then the liars and swearers are fools,
for there are liars and swearers enow to beat
the honest men and hang up them.

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[quote]Nicktrollop...although I agree with your thoughts on this subject I do find your language a bit offensive! Mrs o[/quote]

Mrs O

Didn't mean to offend - I was trying to make the point about DS's link - the word I used (& I have already been told off by FA) is common parlance amongst my peers.

BTW, you can say, write, or think about me whatever you like, provided you spell my name correctly...

Pip pip!


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Nicky,mate if you did not mean to offend why on earth did you need to put the foul obscenity on the forum,the english language is wide and wonderful,surely you could express your feeling in a manner more becoming of the posting to which you where responding,although I do understand that scams like this do rile the emotions.
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[quote]Nicky,mate if you did not mean to offend why on earth did you need to put the foul obscenity on the forum,the english language is wide and wonderful,surely you could express your feeling in a manner m...[/quote]

I certainly am not your mate, nor am I "Nicky". I would humbly suggest that you improve your English before you criticise mine.
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