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AVG problems with update

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I have tried several times to complete the last update by restarting my computer as instructed, but I still get the error message and am invited to restart my computer again.

I have even un-installed and then re - installed, still not right.

According to the AVG web site there is another upgrade due tomorrow - any one else having/had this problem ?


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I do not know what is wrong, but I am somewhat surprised that you are trying to do a manual update. If you have set the programme up correctly and scheduled it daily to carry out a check at a time when your computer is normally switched on, it automatically checks for updates when programme is running or a least that what happens to me. If you are on your computer when the daily programme completes, it confirms on the screen the actions completed.


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My computer is set up the same Baz,( I think you told me how to do it) however yesterday I was out of routine and was out (but the computer was on) at my normal update time. I returned to find the 'please restart your computer to complete the update' message.

Actually I check for updates when I log on each am, as a matter of course, just in case some nasty has been released overnight, better safe than sorry !!

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I use AVG on my laptop and on a fixed box. The laptop updates automatically when it is switched on. The other machine is used less (at the present) and sits unused for a week at a time or more, and when switched on reminds me that updates are critical and I have to update manually - (by pressing a button). in no way does AVG require you to restart your computer, it is only the program that shuts down to update and restarts after. By the way you are using AVG 7, the latest version of this prog?

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Apparently I am not the only one with the problem - which is comforting - thought I was going mad !!


Update - now fixed, for anyone else who has the problem

1) Go to START > Settings>Control Panel> Folder Options

Click on View Tab

enable the Show hidden files and folders option

2) Search for WAIT4SD - delete

Search for Application data\Grisoft\AVG7data

( I had to resort to using just Avg7data to locate this)

Delete the contents (not all files would delete,

so just deleted all possible)

3) Reboot

4) Do a manual update

All looks OK now so fingers crossed! (But don't forget I am low tech - there may have been an easier way !!)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Can't believe I am having update problems AGAIN !

As usual checked for an update manually when I logged on this am and found there were two, one optional. Downloaded both and was told to restart the computer.(again !)

Then got messages

Windows could not upgrade the file %1 from %2

%1 : %2

about 15 times, then

Windows could not upgrade 1 or more system files

Clicked when prompted to continue, but why am I getting these hiccups?

(running ME btw)

I've been so happy with avg I am loath to give it up !


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I installed AVG7 about 3 weeks ago (was running v6) and have it set for automatic update but to be informed before a restart. It has updated and tested files flawlessly since them, without any restarts. (Win XP HE)

This indicates to me that there are no major flaws in the new program. That only leaves yor PC. I am far from an expert but have you tried uninstalling AVG7, downloading it again and reinstalling.

If that doesn't work then the problem must lie with your PC/firewall etc. It may be that you have one or two corrupt system files. Is your PC running smoothly apart from the AVG problem ?

I don't know if ME works the same way as XP but could you try a repair of ME using the supplied ME disc. I had to do this once on a previous PC and it cured the problems I was having then.

Sorry I can't be of more help.


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I am a big fan of AVG and don't want to change, my system is set to automatically update each day, but I like to update it when I first log on - usually no problems, (its only a couple of clicks)

Apparently there are problems at present because there was a 'big' update yesterday and too many people are trying to access the servers......luckily there is a support forum and last night I posted and had a reply this am, with a 'fix' which I will try later.

My system does run smoothly, except that I cannot update Windows, because the item that has to be installed separately 'hangs' Hasn't caused any problems so far though AFAIK.
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