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French ISP Providers

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OK, i've read the horror stories elsewhere on here about cancelling Tiscali and Wanadoo contracts.

Can anyone recommend an ISP for dial up use (no broadband in my area )

I need access pretty much all day every day mon-fri, so pay as you go isn't an option for me. I realise all contracts are for 12 months, but is there anyone that allows you to cancel relatively easily after this time without automatically putting you onto another 12 month rolling contract? (They must also be reasonable reliable as i don't want to ge tied into an unreliable service!)

Thanks in advance.

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I think the reason nobody can help is because without ADSL and needing more or less constant access all day every day, about the only option is Tiscali, which was one of the companies you said you didn't want.

I have a Tiscali account and have no problems with it.

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At the risk of being proved wrong, and without resorting to searching the darkest depths of my 'filing system', I'm pretty sure that when I signed on to Wanadoo, they said I could cancel at any time (this was the integrale fidelite 72hours option). You could always go in to France Telecom and ask...they are generally fairly helpful in our local office in spite of gabbling at an incomprehensible speed. Have had no problems in a year of subscription.

regards, Gill
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Thanks for the replies. My concerns were caused by reading other posts (on this site) that said once you signed up for a year the annual contract automatically renewed itself unless you gave 2 (i think) month's notice by registered post etc. And if it wasn't acted upon by the ISP provider then you would start the new yearly contract and be tied in again.
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That's how a lot of contracts work in France, particularly for things like insurance, so do read the terms and conditions carefully. Most decent ISPs allow you to cancel giving one months written notice, usually, but not always, with a 12 month minimum. There is often a procedure to follow and our experience with Wanadoo was that the company makes it very difficult to find out where letters must be sent, and how the cancellation must be worded, but in the end we got a helpful person at the end of the phone and it was cancelled just like that.
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