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Mobile phone signal inside stone house

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Has anyone any suggestions for improving the signal to my mobile phone inside my house - it varies from poor to non-existant from day to day. Just outside at the back of the house the signal is strong as is the first floor which is effectively a converted loft area (without stone walls). At the front of the house the signal is weakish until I move 10 or more metres away.

Unfortunately I seem to miss a lot of calls when I'm home.



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There are gadgets that are supposed to improve the signal, but frankly they are possibly a waste of time. The signal strength is determined where the transmitter is situated in relation to your property and any objects in the way that weaken the signal. What you will probably find is that another providers signal may be much better and the best way of finding this out, is either to ask a neighbour with a mobile phone or go to your nearest phone shop.

When I use my UK mobile in France on a roaming contract because it will seek out the best signal in any location, I have notice even in a large supermarket that the provider changes as I move from one end to another. If you are  based in France, in the long term you are probably better off to determine the best providers signal in your home and consider if necessary changing contract.


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I have the same problem in a property I own.

Some mobile phone providers don't work inside the property.......... others do.

Unless you want to hang out of the window (and leave the phone there) or sit on the terrace in the rain, you need to test the suppliers signal.

I've asked all my visitors "which phone service are you using ?" and "Does it work ?"


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As Baz suggests, your best bet is probably to try another network.


Another idea might be to set your mobile to divert to your home number when you’re there rather than the voicemail.  You should be able to set it to divert only if out of service or switched off, so if there’s no signal in the room you’re in, any calls will automatically divert to your home number.  You’ll pay for the cost of the diverted call.

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  • 2 months later...
I don't know if you have sorted out the coverage problem but I had the same problem. I got round this by obtaining a car mobile phone holder and connecting the ariel cable connection to a low lost cable about 12m long and a external magnetic mount ariel similar to the one's you stick on the top of cars. I stuck this to a metal pole on the side of the house and it solved all my problems. The second hand car unit and ariel cost approx £30.00, obviously it depends upon which mobile phone you have my phone is a Nokia 6310i I also coupled up a low voltage transformer suitable for the above and it keeps the phone charged up while it sits in the car holder.

Hope this is of some use

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