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Connection cuts out

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1 or 2 minutes after connecting to the internet, sometimes even before displaying my home page, the connection dies.  I've tried with 2 ISPs and it happens with both. 

Please can someone suggest how to fix this problem or where to go to find a solution.

Needless to say, it's driving me MAD! 

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If you are in France and using a UK modem, that could be the problem, it happened to me. Mazan has made some very useful comments about this. If you do a search you will find all the info.

If you are not using a UK modem then Mazan may be able to help. If you are not in France - perhaps not

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1 or 2 minutes after connecting to the internet, sometimes even before displaying my home page, the connection dies.  I've tried with 2 ISPs and it happens with both. 

Please can someone suggest how to fix this problem or where to go to find a solution.

Needless to say, it's driving me MAD! 

I have this problem also on dial-up (in UK), although most of the time the connection is just very slow (and I mean very slow). Disconnecting and reconnecting doesn't seem to make a difference. I have found that the connection does improve after a period of 5/10 mins connection and improves when 'off peak'. I always assumed it was to do with sharing the bandwidth and the longer you were connected the higher up the 'ranking' you were but not sure at all on this .


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I had a similar problem here in France a few months ago: the modem call would last no more than a few seconds and I would have to reconnect all the time.

After checking everything on my PC and with Tiscali (at huge cost as they charge for helpline), I was advised to call France Telecom and ask them to check the line.

I thought Tiscali were passing the buck after cashing in on my calls to their helpline, but in fact, when I was calling France Telecom, the line was all crackly (something which I had not noticed before as I do not make a lot of calls).

The FT engineer agreed there was a lot of interference which would not necessarily be noticed during a telephone call, but would be noticed by a modem. The upshot was that they checked and replaced some bits outside and my line had been as clear as a bell since and the connection speed had improved tremendously.

I am not enough of a techie to say if this was as a result of that, but I am a lot happier now!

Bear in mind though that if FT cannot fidn anything wrong with your line when you ask them to check it, they may very well charge you for the visit...
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Thanks for your replies.  I should have said I'm in France but this has never happened before (nearly 2 yrs)

     "the connection dies

        Please be much more specific."

By this I mean that the page I'm trying to reach comes up with the 'page not available' screen, a red cross comes up against the modem icon and my ISP icon vanishes i.e. Im cut off.

Strangely, after I posted the original message, I stayed on this site for about 25 mins and didn't get cut off.  So perhaps it is to do with traffic at certain times of the day.  Like Clair, my connection speed is always very slow too so maybe contacting France Telecom about the line is the next step.

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I was pleased, if you can say pleased, to read that others are having the same problem as I am having with my ISP - having connected , after a short while, sometimes a few minutes, at other times longer, it is obvious I am not connected, although the modem icon at the bottom right hand corner, indicates I am ? it is only when I try to use my e-mail or log onto the Mailwasher, that it tells me I am no longer connected. So I have to disconnect and then reconnect.

It is difficult when I am in the middle of doing some searching, as then the loading seems to take ages, which means I am disconnected. Some days are worse than others and again the time of day can have a bearing in this happening.

I had thought perhaps it may have something to do with me having dial-up, as I cannot, as yet access ASDL. My line from France Telecom is almost new, having been replaced two years as the loading speed was only about 7 bits??

As some people have mentioned Tiscali, I also wondered if it was happening to this particular server, as I have been with them both here and in the UK (Then it was Worldonline)

If anyone has any ideas, it would be greatly appreciated.

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A friend of mine had the same problem with an ADSL line (usb, therefore he had to 'dial') Everytime he accessed Outlook Express, he was disconnected. I installed Thunderbird (Firefox's little brother...mail client), and problem went away. He recently re-formatted his hard disk and started again. Outlook express is fine now....

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Strangely, after I posted the original message, I stayed on this site for about 25 mins and didn't get cut off.  So perhaps it is to do with traffic at certain times of the day.  Like Clair, my connection speed is always very slow too so maybe contacting France Telecom about the line is the next step.

The fact that the icon disappears indicates that the modem has cut off. This could be due to a bad line or indeed to an unsuitable modem though your constant low speed would suggest a bad line. External serial modems like the Olitec one do work far better than internal PCI modems.

I wonder also if you have the "caller waiting" service on your line? This will throw most modems.

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