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People reading this may think that this is a personal crusade,it isn't,its my personal disgust at a man who attacked me when all i asked for was information to continue my personal WAY OF LIFE. Not his. MINE.

The crux of the problem with hunters is that they constantly invade the privacy of others and put the lives of others at risk. If hunters went to some enclosed area where no one else could hear them (or risk being shot by them) I would view them much more favourably. But they don't. There is nothing personal or private about what they do: they are the most "in your face" people one could ever wish not to meet. As such they deserve nothing but condemnation and that is all they will get from me. You demonstrate the average hunter's attitude every time you post here: aggressive with absolutely no regard for anyone other than themselves.

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Is ther anything youn havent read up on Mazan? you really do seem to know everything about everything.

There are innumerable subjects about which I know nothing. Things I do know about I tend to know about in some depth. There are no subjects about which I know everything.

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Well I must say I have enjoyed watching this thread, Mazan's boundless arrogance against other members wit, very entertaining. The thought for today is  many people beleive there are only 4 sports, hunting, shooting, fishing and fighting, all the rest are games

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Mazan is knowledgable about many things. That Mazan is prepared to share that knowledge can only be of benefit to this board.

There was nothing wrong with Mazan's initial comments either and the link to the article was interesting, as was said, one had to understand french though.

And I for one am glad that Mazan has started to post more.

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A brief couple of points here.

Krill that statement was simply pulled out of the air and is no nowhere near the truth in my experience. Most tiny communes wouldn't even consider the head hunter as any more than being a traditional hunter. They might respect him momentarily if he gives them something for them to cook though but that would be rare !

Most of the smaller communes we know of, the secretary is the one people associate with as numero deux but with the larger communes there are many people on the council that would command far more respect than some hunter !

As far as hunting to kill to eat, then I see little wrong with that, as long as it keeps within the law. We know of quite a few families whose husband will go out at weekend in season to put things in the pot. One of our old friends in the Dordogne who never drinks (so no worries on that score from him) brought us back a few tasty items over the years and he and his wife taught us how to cook rabbit and wild boar (sanglier) among other things, superbly.

Now what is the difference between the food that some one hunts and kills as humanely as possible, is safe in his actions in the chasse and buying some prepacked meat in a polystyrene packet ? It is still food and the very essence of mans survival (sorry veggies).

To paint all hunters with the same brush is to know them all and that just ain't possible so I speak for those that I do know hunt safely but cannot speak for the idiots who don't.


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[quote]A brief couple of points here. Krill that statement was simply pulled out of the air and is no nowhere near the truth in my experience. Most tiny communes wouldn't even consider the head hunter as a...[/quote]

Hear Hear. That was one of my earlier points, how anyone can cast aspersions on someone's character due mainly to a dislike of a sport.
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[quote]What has this post now got to do with coping films or to that matter satellite tv,internet, telephone etc, please take your arguments back to sport (shooting again)[/quote]

Did you read the top posting???? there are no rights to threads/postings or directions in which they go. If a posting deviates to another subject then surely this diversification only leads to enhancing the forum quality. It also becomes more informative on different subjects that are introduced as the discussion develops!!!

Taking that into account, yes you are right. :-]
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It's not about having 'rights' to a post or thread. If a post goes completely off the original topic (like this one has) then politeness would necessitate a new post being made for that new topic.

Also, this section relates to 'SatelliteTV, Internet, Telephone etc' which makes this off topic hunting thread in the wrong section as well. People can't help others or post comments if topics are placed under the wrong headers and it makes it very frustrating for those trying to find specific information!

Well, that's stated my opinion! 

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That's fair enough Lavie, except if you look back, the thread really went off track way back when boghound mentioned a previous thread on hunting. this was ignored by other posters until hughmandy picked up on it and made a lengthy reply on 17th Feb.

Happily, The original poster had already said s/he had had the answer they wxanted at that point, but the thread had taken on a life of it's own.

At least some of the answers others may be hoping to find are contained within the early section of the thread, including the issues Mazan raised about legality, which are relevant anyway, eh?


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