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Orange Mobile Phone - Cheapest Contract...

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I have a "Orange Pro" contract which I took out nearly two years ago which means I pay €33 a month (the cheapest Orange Pro deal) - "Forfait Orange pro 33€".

Looking at my bill, I see that I usually spend in the region of €15 - which means I effectively lose the other €17 each month...

This would be bad enough, but I need to change over to very soon to another contract and I have the choice of ;

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You're lucky, I pay 36 eur and generally lose it ALL - I live in a dead zone, and only use it when travelling abroad where the free minutes don't count.

When my contract is up I will be trying www.debitel.fr 10 euros per month including 30 minutes, no long term contract.

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I’m not familiar with the t&c’s of French mobile network contracts, however a couple of thoughts:


The Orange Pro tariffs seem to offer varying amounts of inclusive minutes of talktime according to the price of the tariff.  You say that you’re spending around 15€ and “losing” 17€.  Do you mean you’re using less that the number of inclusive minutes you get each month?


If this is the case, you’re probably on too high a tariff.  If you’ve got itemised bills, I suggest you have a look at the last few months’ bills to see how many minutes you are typically using.


If you do not use many minutes, you may well be better off on a Pay As You Go tariff – how much would a typical month’s calls cost if you had an Orange Mobicarte (Pay As You Go SIM)?  Check your usage against the PAYG costs (this is Carphone Warehouse’s French website):  http://www5.phonehouse.fr/commerce/servlet/frfr-knowledgebase-Show?ARTICLE=NETWORKS.ORANGE.MOBICART


Everyone’s mobile phone usage is different – some people text more that talk, some people make more calls off-peak etc, so there isn’t one tariff or network which suits everyone.


If Orange works best in your locality then you should stick with Orange, if all the networks offer good coverage in your area then consider moving to another network (so long as you’re over your minimum contract period).  A network shop like Orange or France Telecom can only sell you their own products, you’ll probably get less biased advice from an independent mobile retailer or a multiple (like Phone House) selling all the networks.  Ask in a few phone shops (if you’ve a choice locally!) what network / tariff they recommend for your usage.


In the UK, there are always network offers to entice new customers – for example a new Orange subscriber would get double minutes for 6 months.  There may be similar deals to be had in France?


Remember with a contact mobile, you’ll get a phone free or at a subsidised price.  If you want one of the latest phones you’ll get a bigger choice on a contract.


By the way don’t just sign up for the “cheapest contract”.  If it does not give you the number of minutes / texts you require you will end up paying more than if you took a higher tariff in the first place as the extra minutes over your inclusive amount will cost you more than the difference between the tariffs.



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Thanks for the advice.

 >The Orange Pro tariffs seem to offer varying amounts of inclusive minutes of talktime according to the price of the tariff.  You say that you’re spending around 15€ and “losing” 17€.  Do you mean you’re using less that the number of inclusive minutes you get each month?


That is exactly the case - but unfortunately the 32 a month is the lowest "Orange Pro" contract.


I will look to change it to the Pay as You go one.


Many thanks again,




PS: For calling UK - I use WWW.LESMINUTES.FR and really recommend the service (and price!).

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