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Internet access with La Poste

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In theory it costs under 1€ per month, with no charge until July 2005.

In practice they offer it for nothing from time to time to existing customers, in return for getting a less frequent statement. I suspect that the entire charge can be permanently negotiated with your chef de bureau.

The 1€ charge is very modest but even so the principle annoys me and so I would not pay it. The CA charges more than that, I think, unless you have one of their all-in pay options which of course amounts to the same thing.

AFAIK LaPoste is the French bank that charges the least for day-to-day banking (cheque book home delivery, paying-in, withdrawing, cash cards). Debit cards are about the only thing they charge a lot for and even there they charge no more than other banks.

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[quote]In theory it costs under 1€ per month, with no charge until July 2005. In practice they offer it for nothing from time to time to existing customers, in return for getting a less frequent statement. ...[/quote]

Isn't about time Mazan, you came clean about your attitude towards people and large companies, that either make money or you don't agree with the way they conduct themselves with regard to your way of life. Which judging, by some of the statements/answers you manage to serve up, must lead to an extreemly lonely/lowbrow exsistance.

Whilst I whole-heartedly agree with the principal of free-speech, some peaple seem to stretch the issue to breaking point.

Peoples views/questions on this site, might annoy/differ from your way of thinking or conducting yourself but they have the right to express them in anyway they would so wish.

If they wish to install Wandoo FR, which seems to be a "great issue" to you, from the disc/bank with companies that charge/download files/shoot/hunt and in general "do" things that you do not agree with. That is their right, whether legal or illegal. As it is your right to disagree but as was said elsewhere on this site. Show a bit more tolerance towards things that you don't agree with. Or perhaps, it's a case of someone that has had their ego massaged for so long by the "powers to be" on this site, they have come to believe their own "press statements". 

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I just don't see how Mazan can be stretching the principal of free speech to breakng point by giving an informed factual answer to someone's direct question.

I found the information interesting and did not detect any abnormal bias, just a natural reluctance to pay charges when you don't have to.

What's wrong with that?
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[quote]I just don't see how Mazan can be stretching the principal of free speech to breakng point by giving an informed factual answer to someone's direct question.I found the information interesting and did...[/quote]

  He was actually asked to reply as well!!!I usually find his replies helpful, it's good to get the opinion of others.


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Unlike the UK I believe you pay to access your bank accounts by internet in France. Some banks charge different rates depending on the type of information you want to get. For example, Bank Populair charges around 50 cents to get the last 5 transactions and your balance. If you want to see all your in's and out's since the last statement you have to pay more. I'm affraid Internet Banking in France is somewhat behind the UK.

Boghound - I really didn't understand your post at all or is it me, did you mean to post it somewhere else and posted it here by accident becasue I could not see the relevance. Sorry.

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i'm astounded by the force of your response boghound.  i honestly thought mazan's response was simply informative rather than judgemental.

for myself i have to admit it's been an unexpected [and unpleasant] surprise that free banking for those in credit is not apparently widely available in france.

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for myself i have to admit it's been an unexpected [and unpleasant] surprise that free banking for those in credit is not apparently widely available in france

Actually "free banking" is the law in France. The law also prohibited the payment of interest on current accounts until very recently. The confusion arises over what is "normal" free banking and what is extra. Things like debit cards are optional extras and are charged for by the banks accordingly. They can also charge for things like posting cheque books (LaPoste doesn't), but not for issuing the cheques themselves. I'm not sure quite how the CA get around the recent move to charging for counter service (which in theory should also be free) but they do.

A common trick is to give you some package of credit/insurance/bank-card by default without explaining that it is an optional (and chargeable) extra. You can refuse all these packages and their associated charges.

For what it's worth I only pay the standing 2€ annual maintenance fee for my LaPoste cheque account.

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thanks mazan

you're right i had forgotten that the charge is for my debit card rather than to run the account itself.  still the system does feel archaic compared with the uk.

the worrying thing in the uk is the increasing move to charging to withdraw your own money from cashpoint machines.  now THAT really makes me angry.

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[quote]In theory it costs under 1€ per month, with no charge until July 2005. In practice they offer it for nothing from time to time to existing customers, in return for getting a less frequent statement. ...[/quote]

"The 1€ charge is very modest but even so the principle annoys me and so I would not pay it. The CA charges more than that"

CA used to charge 50cents a month if you accessed your account less than 5 times, which I agree with Mazan was a bit rich as you were helping them by not clogging up the branch, however for some months now there has been no charge for internet access, mind you the monthly charge has gone up........

If people like the caber thrower drive people like marzan away from this Forum with cowardly posts from behind anonymous E mail addresses then perhaps it is time for Forum admin to look at these people and limit their access unless they publish an E mail address.

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Thanks Mazan et al for the responses.

The local Chef de LaPoste has just been (yes, they do house visits here in rural Charente) and tried to sell me package which included "VideoNet" which I presume is internet access plus visa cards (which we have) and, yes you've guessed it, up-graded insurance!! All for 15 euros something per trimestre.

After reading your advice Mazan, I refused the package, saying I just wanted the internet access. He was a bit taken aback but then offered me what I wanted for 1.50 euros per month, so a little bit of a saving. I then signed form and he asked me to do partner's signature (!!) I nearly had a pink fit - I've never been asked to do this by anyone let alone an official!! He said that it's normal in France.

Sigh.......he was very dishy.

Anyway, thanks folks and sorry that you got in the bog's firing line, Mazan. I expect he would have been happy to pay the 15 euros reasoning that some fatcat was entitled to be making a tidy profit out of him!!



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I refused the package, saying I just wanted the internet access. He was a bit taken aback but then offered me what I wanted for 1.50 euros per month,

I will never understand why French banks always try and charge for these things which in the end will save them much money on providing counter service, answering phones etc.

You would think they would be falling over themselves to get you to take them for free, like the UK banks.

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