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Weather Underground problems?

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Hi y'all. I can't get at the Weather Underground pages at http://www.wunderground.com any more. All I get is the standard "The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings." page - but I'm pretty certain all my settings are correct - certainly, I can't find any other sites I can't reach.

Wunderground is definitely up and running - a mate down the road can access the site from his AOL account - so I'm wondering if it's something wrong at with my wanadoo account.

Would a few kind souls like to try and access wunderground from their accounts and report back? I'm particualrly interested in whatehr anyone using wanadoo.fr can get at the weather.

Any other suggestins also gratefully received..

In puzzlement


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Belay that.

I just set up a gratuit Tiscali account and Wunderground is perfectly visible from that. So it's not my PC, it's summat to do with wanadoo.fr blocking access to the site.

Now, all I have to do is work out how to contact wanadoo.fr and whinge mightily (anyone got a support@ type e-mail address for 'em, by any chance?)



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I think this is likely to be a Wanadoo thing.

I have / had some feeds from Wunderground on my site, and I noticed a couple of times in the past it didn't work with Wanadoo when looking via other peoples connections.

I changed to Wanadoo ADSL about a month ago and it seemed to work OK. Now it seems to have vanished.

I've redone the page with weather.com here : http://www.the-languedoc-page.com/languedoc-weather-now.htm

The old page is still here (just it case it comes back to life !) : http://www.the-languedoc-page.com/languedoc-weather-now2.htm It is not working for me : does it still work for others ?




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It quite likely to be due to the dispute between Open Transit (France Telecom/Wanadoo) and Cogent. I wrote a brief summary of “my take” on what is going on (copied below). It is affecting a whole load of sites in the US (and customers in France). Most Wanadoo customers are blaming Wanadoo (possibly because they know who Wanadoo are and how to contact them). However, I think it is a more complex situation and Open Transit may actually be doing “the right thing” (but clearly others, including Cogent, don’t agree with me).

It is a commercial disagreement where Wanadoo have depeered Cogent and set-up an alternate route for Wanadoo customers to get and communicate with Cogent’s sites (or rather Cogent's customer's sites). However, Cogent have retaliated by sending all FT IP traffic into a “Black-Hole”, hence Wanadoo’s alternate route is not working because of Cogent.

The bit I wrote earlier (others may have a different “take” on what is going on):

It may not be Wanadoo that are causing the problems but Cogent. It is a another Peering War and Cogent have quite a reputation for starting these (many US people are pretty annoyed with Cogent about what they are doing in this respect). Cogent have done the same with other companies (e.g. Teleglobe) and it comes down to who “blinks first” in a battle of nerves. Previously those who have taken on Cogent in this regard have been too small. Open Transit (France Telecom/Wanadoo) may succeed.

FT have actually set-up an alternative route to those sites covered by Cogent (via Sprint/Verio) and it is sounds like Cogent who are “black hole’ing” FT IP addresses.

Sounds like some German carriers are about to do the same as FT/Wanadoo to Cogent as well.

The boring bit: Congent’s pricing policy has been seen as disruptive for some time now. IP Carrier volumes are not growing significantly, thus for carrier companies to grow the need to take customers from competitors. Cogent are thought to be trying to eliminate competitors by exceptionally low pricing (they have recently borrowed $10bn which is no doubt helping sell services at such low prices, and guess what will happen to their prices once (some of their) competitors have gone). OT (FT/Wanadoo) have decided that they no longer wish to give Cogent FREE access to all their customers as they see this as helping Cogent sell services at dramatically below market rate. Peering is not a requirement for carriers to provide and is usually only done where it is of benefit to both partners in the peering relationship. It could be argued that it is Cogent who do not care about their customers or they would pay up of their transit services from OT. You could argue that OT/FT/Wanadoo are actually behaving responsibility to maintain stability within the internet (though this might depend of whether you work for (or are a “fan of”) Open Transit or Cogent).

It is a complex situation and my dull summary is certainly not the whole situation (and may not be full representative) – just some dull background comments.

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