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Idiots guide to ISP

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Semiretired from the law and finally but finally moving to our home in France 24th May. Absolutely need to have access from France to the net for outstanding cases need exchange of information defence information all that sort of thing.  Sorry to bore everyone!


At the house in France we naturally have France telecom and will try to get broadband but doubt it especially as we are somewhat isolated!


Use AOL in the UK but thought to try Wanadoo or Tiscali but unfortunately and due to limitations of French which is good enough for very basics of life have hit a big brick wall especially when one gets around to be asked to tap this key or that key.


Does anyone please have a relatively simple way of organising connection to the net?  We live equidistant between St Lo and Villedieu.  There is a France Telecom office in Arvanches which organised my telephone connection some four years ago.


I am sorry not only to appear to be 'thick' but undoubtedly 'thick' when I am considering this matter.  Normally and please do not criticise I turn up at the office and just sat on my desk is something I switch on and away we go.  I am not trying to be flippant but trying to make something out of a problem which is going to grow and grow!



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It is a relatively simple step if you wish to be with 'Wanadoo'. Just 'pop' into your France Telecom shop and they will set it all up for you and arrange direct debit etc with your Bank. So go armed with your Bank details ! , also if you have a 'Computer' type shop nearby, they often act as agents for wanadoo' or whoever and they can also set you up (so to speak !) there and then.

     Good luck and enjoy France

   Regards            - Dreamers

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If you are currently using AOL in the UK, you should be able to continue using it in France on your UK subscription; all you need to do is make sure that you change the country and look for the "offres tout compris" phone number when you connect and set up the modem here in France. We have been doing this for the past 2 years with no problems but have just changed to Wanadoo because we are finally on Broadband in our area.

Even if you don't want to continue with AOL it means that you can continue to have internet access while you look at other options


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We used Wanadoo when we first moved to France, but I found it not very user-friendly after having used AOL in the UK (I suppose it's just what you get used to!).

Once we had a French debit card I switched to French AOL, which is really very similar to the UK version.

The only problem we have (which would be the same with any ISP I suspect) is very slow connection speeds, which can make surfing the net pretty agonising!

If you want help installing French AOL, message me as we live very near to you (I'm no expert, but have installed and re-installed it several times!)


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your other corespondents are pretty much saying the same thing - we use aol and have done for years and really, its more a case of what you're used to than anything...

simply connect as you normally would but by using the new connection feature - ie, you're dialing in from france and like another said, look for the offres tout compris (all inclusive / free call - same as it is in the uk)... connection is fine (we're in the dordogne). braodband is a different issue of course and not available everywhere but then again... does one want to be chained to a computer the whole time when there are so many other things to do! frankly its quite refreshing not to be so!

my advive would be - stick with what you have and are used to but simply adapt it to french living... a bit like learing about shop opening a closing hours here - just another form of adapting!

kind regards

neil storey.

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