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wanadoo/ntl email gremlins

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I really hope someone here can help.

I am with wanadoo, using windows 98 and outlook 2000. I have had this set up unproblematically for at least a year.

When i try to email anybody at ntlworld.com the email looks as if it goes but actually bounces back a week later as undeliverable. i have had this with three different addresses (all ntl) and I have contacted two of them by phone and they are experiencing no other problems with their emails from other people (but neither knows anyone else with wanadoo). At least recently i am getting the 'bounceback' message - i have checked into my past few months correspondence and on at least two occasions the email hasnt been delivered and neither have i had a bounceback message (very dangerous, i am in the gite business and this has cost me at least one booking where people think i havent replied) . I am kicking myself for not spotting the ntl link sooner when people look like theyve dropped off the planet.  

my wanadoo service is getting worse and worse with many more slow, failed and broken connections. connecting took about an hour tonight yet other people on here and elsewhere report no problems connecting.

This leads me to wonder where the problem could be - a call to the wanadoo help desk was a waste of time (check your settings and other textbook answers) and i don't know whether the problem is with them or with my system and i dont have any idea how i can check or where to start looking.

sorry to go on, does anyone else have any of this happening or any idea what could be the cause?. I am struggling to survive and can little afford to lose these bookings. often if people send me an email they dont give any other address and if i cant email them then i cant reply at all.

grateful for any suggestions


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Hi Maria,

I am having similiar problems with NTL - emails to friends are returned a few days later shown as "could not be delivered", so I suspect your problem is with NTL.

Can't help with your problem connections - but I suspect that we all go through difficulties with Wanadoo at some time - they regularly cut me off for no apparent reason.  Otherwise, have you scanned your computer for viruses??





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Thanks Mary, that is some comfort, if it is indeed ntl's end. I have indeed scanned for viruses and found nothing.

can i ask are you also with wanadoo? i assume yes from your comment about cut offs, and do you use outlook? (i am wondering if there is some problem with the way wanadoo or outlook identifies itself to the ntl server, becasue my ntl friends are getting all their other emails apparently)



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My experience when having connection problems and telephoning Wanadoo technical is that they will:

1. Get you to clear your browser history

2. Get you to delete all browser cookies

3. Get you to delete all “temporary internet files"

(Oh, you still can’t establish a connection)

4. You have a virus !!!

Any you been on the premium rate number for quite some time by now.

The above is also the case is your connection works intermittently.

My experience, maybe different for other people, but I don’t bother to call them any more.

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I have two suggestions for you.

1. If possible, have your telephone line checked for any possible faults. Does this connection problem occur at times when the wind strength is high? This might explain your connection difficulties. I'm not saying that it will but on the other hand it just might.

2. Wanadoo/NTL conflict.
Different ISP's often have a conflict with each other and end up barring each other particularly in the email department.
It would not surprise me if there is such a conflict between Wanadoo and NTL.
As a possible workaround, go to MSN and set up a Hotmail account. Unfortunately, due to a change in MSN's terms and conditions, you will NOT be able to access this through your Outlook email software.
However, if you use this account to send emails to and from both providers, you will be able to ascertain if such a conflict exists if the emails bounce.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately I can't help resolve this problem, but can confirm that you are not an isolated victim.  I also have a Wanadoo France e-mail system, although on Windows XP and it simply won't speak to any of my e-mail contacts in the UK who use Tesco.net. All e-mails are bounced back after a few days saying Tesco didn't accept it, but my Tesco.net mates have no problem with any other contacts.  Any other ISP seems fine (although I don't have any contacts with ntl customers). 

As I also have a Wanadoo UK account (for when I'm back in the UK in the winter) I am now having to get on to the Wanadoo UK website to e-mail my Tesco.net buddies (as Wanadoo Uk dosen't have the same problem); which is a bit of a pain!

I haven't got to the bottom of it all yet but maybe it's something to do with all the websites now jamming spam?


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