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Leaving Tiscali?

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I have had an acount with Tiscali for 18 months. In this area of the Charente, they do not cover for ADSL, but Wanadoo do! So I would like to switch servers!

How does one cancel the contract with Tiscali? Do I have to wait until the month I originally took out the contract; ie October, or is there a formal and safe way to go about it before then?

Any advice would be very appreciated!


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I'm really surprised by this, I can't remember when we got ADSL but Tiscali were on the ball and had their service up and running around the same time as Wanadoo did.


Have you asked them when they will be sorting it out there as there is already ADSL.


Also if you aren't happy and they don't do it, then you  will likely have to give a months notice to cancel, because the initial contract is usually fixed for a full year. And to cancel usually means doing a lettre recommande avec accuse de reception.

Why don't you call them and ask how much notice they want.

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I think it can depend a lot where you live (degrouped or not). In my area it took over 6 months until anybody except Wanadoo had any ADSL service atall and even when they did the one company only went up to 512 whilst Wanadoo were offering the full range of speed options (incl. Max). Now, over 9 months later there is only Wanadoo (full range of speeds except Max2) and Cegetel (only 2 speed options).

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I am in a similar position to you. I set up a Tiscali account when we moved to France permanently last September. We lived in our holiday house (no ADSL) while we looked around for a permanent residence with a garden. We recently moved to a village which does have ADSL connection and decided to go with Free.fr as it is a much better deal. I emailed the client account at Tiscali about ending my abonnement and they said I would have to stay with them for the year I signed up for and give 2 months notice (i.e. tell them in July) of my wish to cancel.

I emailed them 2 weeks ago to give notice but so far have recived no acknowledgement.

Should I write as well?

I also intend to inform the bank not to pay any more DDs after September.

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Edyth, now you may be lucky and Tiscali may accept this cancellation by e-mail. The safest and surest way to  cancel anything and with any company in France is by lettre recommande avec accuse de reception. That way they cannot deny getting the letter.


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Like a lot of contracts, the Tiscali contract is self renewing so that you have to pay until the aniversary comes up.

Again like a lot of things in France, you cannot just tell them you wish to quit, you have to give notice and it will only be recognised if you send it "Avis De Réception Recommandé" - letters, faxes, e-mails will all be ignored.

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How you go about cancelling will depend on your type of internet access:

« Totale Liberté » cancel anytime by email

(Les abonnements « Totale Liberté » sont conclus pour une durée indéterminée. L'Abonné peut résilier son abonnement à tout moment par courrier électronique adressé au Service Clients.)

« Forfaits accès et communications compris » Cancel by registered letter with signature/proof of delivery to be received at least 7 WORKING days before next invoice is due.

(Les abonnements « Forfaits accès et communications compris » sont conclus pour une durée indéterminée. L’Abonné peut résilier son abonnement à tout moment par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception adressée au Service Clients. La résiliation doit être reçue par TISCALI au moins 7 jours ouvrables avant la date de facturation pour prendre effet le jour suivant cette date.)

« Forfaits Illimités » Cancel as above at least 7 WORKING days before anniversary date or contract is renewed automatically for 12 months.

(L’abonnement « Forfait Illimité » est conclu pour une durée d’un an minimum à compter de la date de mise en service du « Forfait Illimité » de l’Abonné. Après cette période initiale, l’abonnement est renouvelé par tacite reconduction pour des périodes successives de 12 mois selon les tarifs et les conditions de TISCALI en vigueur à la date de renouvellement, sauf résiliation par l’une ou l’autre des parties par courrier recommandé avec accusé de réception adressé à l’autre partie en respectant un préavis minimum de 7 jours ouvrables avant la date d’échéance.)

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