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Hello, sorry for being thick, but is the Livebox meant to be INSTEAD of my existing modem? I already have a 2 meg connection, I assumed that the Livebox was a seperate entity?

I've just got it out of the box and am now confused??


PS and do I have to install the software onto both computers? I want to use my main computer (with the Livebox sitting next to it) and my laptop elsewhere in the house. Do I have to install it onto the laptop also?

Ta again!PPS I have a Mac (laptop and main)
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The Livebox is your 'ADSL modem' and 'router' and 'firewall' and 'WiFi' all in one.

The Livebox plugs into the phone socket and you piggyback the telephone into the same socket. Wait for it....

Insert CD into main PC (the one to be directly connected via USB/Ethernet to the Livebox) and follow the instructions - click on 'USB connection', taking note of the order.

Once working, grab dongle and laptop, insert CD and click on 'additional PC/WiFI option' and follow instructions.

I found that unless you do everything in the order it says it can go pearshaped, so don't be tempted to plug things in willy nilly.


Any problems with the language and you may be able to download the English instructions from the UK Wanadoo site. Good luck.

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Well, I have a Mac and there is nothing on the disc to click - no icon, nothing I can open, even though there is meant to be one disc for both formats??!!

So, I can't get any further. I just feel like sending it back and giving up. Anyone have any ideas?

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If someone sees your cry for help, perhaps they will tell me how to get rid of the 'old' WIFI number installed and get the bloody thing to accept the new one!

I've uninstalled it.  I am seriously thinking of going back to snail pace.  At least the red light isn't flashing...

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Well, I got the thing activated and it now works (!) but how do I get it to work my laptop wirelessly??

There is no info or any hints in any of the Wanadoo booklets etc of how to go about this!

I have the Livebox connected to my Mac and I want my laptop to work from it downstairs. Do I have to configure the laptop in the same way?

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You should have an aerial with the live box, with a silver braided cable which you plug into a USB port on your laptop.  If you are using this for your PC then as I understand it you can either get another aerial for your laptop or hard wire the PC or laptop from the Livebox.  You do have to configure your laptop but it should pick up the connection to the Livebox when you make it.
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I set up my laptop (Mac G3) the same way as my main computer using the ethernet cable. When I plug in the aerial instead (in the USB slot) and put the ethernet cable back into my main computer, the laptop just tells me that the ethernet cable is not plugged in and no amount of coaxing will make it work wirelessly!

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For the wireless laptop there should be a small white 'dongle' about the size of a cigarette lighter that plugs into the USB port of the laptop. From the CD choose the WiFi section of the installation and follow the instructions plugging in the dongle when prompted.

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