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I know this has been covered before, but search does not work.  I cannot send messages to addresses with NTLworld , they come back after a week with the same message, is this a Wanadoo or an NTL problem and does anyone have a cure /remedy.
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The only way I have found to get round the one ISP v's other ISP is to register with www.smtp.com. The cost is €50 a year for 50 mails a day but at least you know that your your mails will get through. Depends on how important your mails are and how much you need them delivered. I use this for business so it is invaluable.

Hope that this helps.

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The rejection of e-mails from Wanadoo France to NTL UK has been an ongoing poblem for some weeks and mentioned several times in this forum.  I have been one of those affected and have been trying to get to the bottom of it with Wanadoo France.  E-mails to Tesco.net in the UK are also affected as Tesco use the NTL servers.

So far, it seems that Wanadoo.fr won't send e-mails to NTL but NTL will still send e-mails to Wanadoo.fr.  The reason, as far as I can tell, is that the large number of theoretical SPAM which NTL carries causes the Wanadoo.fr anti-SPAM software to trigger.   This may not be real NTL SPAM but just an NTL system set up that the Wanadoo.fr system set up doesn't like. 

Wanadoo say "This specific error message is generated by the message servers of Wanadoo. It acts of a safety anti-Spam preventing the abusive use of the message servers of Wanadoo by Net surfers not-subscribers in Wanadoo. Wanadoo thus puts all works about it to protect you from the Spam."   That's a somewhat poor translation!

I haven't spoken to NTL, I'm not a customer of theirs.

Who is to blame - Wanadoo for having to stringent SPAM protection and NTL for having too much SPAM on its sytem.  Neither seems likely to do anything about the problem.

Any cure - None, as far as I know.  You'll need to send e-mails to NTL through an ISP other than Wanadoo.fr.  I got around the problem by sending my e-mails from the Wanadoo.UK website, as I also have a Wanadoo UK account.  Wanadoo UK has no such problems.





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As I understand it, when this problem occurs, the e-mail gets as far as the NTL server and is then rejected by its firewall. If this is the case then it is necessary to examine why the NTL firewall is rejecting the e-mail. It could be that, if NTL hashad a lot of problem with spam, they have increased the security level. This happened a few years ago with aol when all messages with a different "return path" address were rejected.

It is possible that this is the cause of the current problem. To eliminate this as a possible cause you will need to check your e-mail client to ensure that you are sending the same "return address" as the address you are sending the e-mail from. To do this with Outlook Express, go to Tools/Accounts, then select the "mail" tab. Click once on the e-mail account that you are using and then select "properties". Then click on the "general" tab. You will see there are two boxes, one for "E-mail address" and one for "Reply address"; your correct e-mail address should be entered in both these boxes. If the reply address box is empty or has a different e-mail address in it then your mail could be rejected by spam filters. Give this a try and see if it helps.

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Having just nearly lost a considerable amount of business because of this policy of NTL, I sent them the following:-

Dear Sirs

It has come to my notice from telephone calls from my customers that they are not receiving my emails to them.

Despite the postcode which your system FORCED me to enter to even get access to the customer services, I am resident in France and use a Wanadoo ADSL connection to send my mail.

I have sent this one using my webmail account as otherwise this might also be blocked.

I suppose that you will say that it is because there are problems of SPAM or some such nonsense originating from Wanadoo and as a result you have blocked access to all Wanadoo mail to save your customers from problems, but in reality you are denying them service.

That you choose to deny your customers access to their legitimate emails is bad enough, but to do so without sending out any form of reply notification to the sender that their email has not been delivered, and thus allow them to try alternative methods of communication is verging on criminal.

Get your act together, target specific SPAMMERS and leave the rest of us to conduct our business in peace.

I have also encouraged my customers and friends on NTL to send similar mails to the customer services.

Might help, but somehow I doubt it

However the more people who complain...........

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 "but to do so without sending out any form of reply notification to the sender that their email has not been delivered, and thus allow them to try alternative methods of communication is verging on criminal.

Its true NTL send no rejection notification, but I do get this from Wanadoo.fr about 7 to 10 days after the message was sent

"This is the SMTP Server program at host wanadoo.fr.
I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.
For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster>
If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.
The SMTP Server program

g43@ntlworld.com>: host smtpin.ntlworld.com[] said:
    452 Message rejected (in reply to end of DATA command)."
Don't know if others get the same.
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That's what I've been getting too Ron.   Not a lot of help coming through 7 days later when they're often responses to people wanting B&B at short notice and they haven't given me any other contact details
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