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Wanadoo Internet problems

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I signed up with Wanadoo.fr on 12th June using cd with an offer for 25hr for 10e per month which I opted for.

I took me ages to successfully make the connection (27th June) but eventually I was live and everything seemed OK. I received a 'facture client' on 8th July which stated total to pay for the month 16,33e? On checking my usage time according to Wanadoo I had used 21h 16m when my records showed that I had used around 8hours? I have questioned these by email but apart from reducing my usage by 1 hour have not received a satisfactory reply. Has anyone else experienced similar problems with Wanadoo and know how to go about getting sorted preferably in English as my French is not up to it yet?
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How your bill is calculated is explained on the Wanadoo website, in "mon facture" 

I think you will find that the reason you are paying 16€ is because with these type of accounts you pay in advance, so you are paying for part of June and in advance for July.  You will be charged the following month if you go over the 25 hours, do not do this if you can avoid it as it works out at over 1€ a minute.  It might be useful to up your account, you can at any time, if you are getting close to the margins so to speak.

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[quote]Competition must be hotting up, Wanadoo dropped the unlimited offer for new customers in 2004, I knew people who had it but the most you could get new was the 120hour option ( 100 +20) , which they ...[/quote]

Hey.....What really put a "wasp up my arse"....I got an offer in the mail from Free.fr for ADSL which was very good indeed but...yeh your right....I've as much chance of receiving ADSL as HRH Blair has of reducing the French farmer's allowance.
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[quote]Hey.....What really put a "wasp up my arse"....I got an offer in the mail from Free.fr for ADSL which was very good indeed but...yeh your right....I've as much chance of receiving ADSL as HRH Blair ha...[/quote]

Don't be too pessimistic, I live outside a small village which is 25km from the nearest sizeable town and we got ADSL this year as has much of the area.

Getting ADSL depends on the capabilty of your phone line and exchange, not where you phsically live.

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For me the department made a deal with FT (“no money changing hands”) to get ADSL everywhere within an agreed timescale. Didn’t matter how remote you were. Also I believe ADSL2 (double the distance) is starting to get installed with could be run “extended reach”.
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[quote]How your bill is calculated is explained on the Wanadoo website, in "mon facture" I think you will find that the reason you are paying 16€ is because with these type of accounts you pay in advance, ...[/quote]

Thankyou for your assistance. I did in fact pluck up courage and phone Wanadoo who gave me the answer that you gave above. They also explained that the usage time is counted down which accounted for the time discrepancy, why didn't I think of that before?
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