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I seem to remember reading recently that it is possible to enter your electricity meter reading onto the EDF website, to save having to complete cards which then have to be posted.  However, having accessed their website, I can't seem to find anything.  Did I dream it?

Thanks, in advance.


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Hi Lynda

Not sure you can enter your readings on line for payment adjustment purposes,  if you are out they normally leave a card,  but could be wrong, you certainly can calculate your next bill by entering your readings though and look at your statement on line if they do an estimate.

From their site

"Si vous êtes absent lors de son passage, et qu'il ne peut effectuer le relevé de vos index, il vous laissera un avis et une carte d'auto-relève. Vous pourrez alors choisir de saisir vous même votre relevé entre le 07/09/2005 et le 15/09/2005 en vous connectant à votre Espace services."

Which basically means, very rough translation  "if  you are out when the meter reader calls he will leave a card for you to complete, you can also see how much your charges are between 7 & 15  september on the web site.

 To see all this go to:


This is different to the EDF main site and you may have to register again.  To access your account, put in your E mail address and password (if you have registered) and it will show your account details.  On the L/H side is

Mon contrat de fourniture d'energie

Under that "mon contrat" and  "ma facture" where you can look at your bills, your consumption trends and get an estimate of your next bill.etc


Bon chance


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This is found under "service Relevé Confiance" and you have to register first to be able to do this. As far as I could tell EDF will ask you every 2 months to send in your own reading and will read the meter themselves once a year. Although you may have signed up to enter your own reading, you cannot send in a reading whenever you feel like. Once you have registered they will send you an e-mail to tell you when you can submit a reading. It is quite a precise period, my e-mail read "Vous pouvez nous transmettre entre le 09/06/2005 et le 22/06/2005 16h30 les chiffres que vous aurez relevés sur vos compteurs." Which I translated as meaning I could send them my meter reading between the 9th and 16th June at 4:30 pm. If you try to enter the reading on the website outside the allocated times you get an message which roughly says "this service is not available". I initially though this meant there was a problem but realised it simply meant that I was trying to make an entry outside the allocated window.

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