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Wow we've just got SKYPE (Voice over IP) and it's fantastic. Hubby is back in the UK and I'm speaking to him via the internet absolutely free of charge - wonderful.  We can chat for as long as we like and it doesn't cost a penny in telephone charges.  If I want to talk to someone who doesn't have internet connection or SKYPE it's still far cheaper than an ordinary land line.  I just had to pass this on in the hopes that it can help others too.

Happy Chatting, Trisha

I couldn't see if it's been posted before but it never hurts to add it again

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Yes Trisha

Welcome to Skyper's world. Its cool..

We don't get impressed with all the other telecomms offers because unless someone wants to 'pay us' to make calls then they will hardly have a better deal than Skype.

How do you find the mic volume problems on Skype out? There has been a solution posted before by some clever chap but I cannot get it working.



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I I think think that that when when and and if if we we ever ever








get get broadband broadband we we may may





be be able able to to have have aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa conversation conversation using using it







till till thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


no chance (the last was written as if I was on a real phone).

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Skype is free if you both have SKYPE and discount the FT line rental charge and already have a microphone and speakers, but to call other numbers you have to have SKYPEOUT.  A friend has it and told me she paid 20€ up front to use it, (minimum is 10€) and after that took another 10€ top up, she is pleased with it and has no problems with the sometimes talking in a "warehouse reception".  It certainly is cheap and worrying the telephone companies no end, TELE 2 and Talk 2 etc cannot compete on price.

I understand hat FT are launching a new tariff for the UK, and I have yet to investigate Wanadoo's  phone via the livebox, anyone tried it and know the call costs?

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I was prospected over the phone last week by TF who were offering a flat fee for all calls long distance, international and local.

That's 73 euro per month to talk as long as you like to whom so ever you like, where ever and when ever (that's a lot of evers).

I Laughed... yeah right.

(halve it and I might be interested)

I told them I'll stay with Skype, my Skypeout account for two months calls (anywhere, every where, anytime) was 62 euro (about 50 hours on the phone)(that much ...oh my gosh).

Arithmetic... hmm



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I've never had mic problems with Skype, but we have got Skype phones (bought in the UK & cost per phone £29) so I'm presuming that makes a difference as you're not using the computers mic or speakers. 

We are connected via Wanadoo ADSL in France and the lines have been perfect - I can hear and speak with no interferance at all on the line. 

I now want all my friends and family to go on-line and it will be 100% perfect

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I have been using Skype for a short time in the UK without any problems volume or otherwise but this is Skype to Skype users only, not Skype out.

I have also spoken to one of my friends in France via Skype and it was just like talking to him in the same room - and all for free!!!

I accept that we are all on Broadband (including the French friend )and that the one friend who is on dial-up connection does sometimes have poor quality sound and time delays.

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I have recently downloaded Skype but haven't actually used it yet.

Can you tell me what is the minimim mega whatsits your computer should have and what programme...Windows XP for example.  I am asking because I "only" have Windows 98 and I think, 56 thingies.

I would be prepared to buy XP...would it 'fit' on my computer?  I only use it for surfing.  Don't use .5% of its capacity.

I've got even more technical questions for you later.

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Hi,  I've been on the Skype website http://www.skype.com/products/skype/windows/ and they say the minimum requirements are:

  • PC running Windows 2000 or XP
  • 400 MHz processor
  • 128 MB RAM
  • 15 MB free disk space on your hard drive
  • Sound Card, speakers and microphone
  • Internet connection. Any broadband connection or minimum 33.6 Kbps dialup. GPRS is not supported for voice calls. Results may vary on a satellite connection.

56K modem will work but you may have some dropouts and my hubby says there is a slim chance that it might work with Windows 98 but he's not sure. I hope this helps a bit.


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56K modem will work but you may have some dropouts

More dropouts than a red brick Uni - unless you have broadband or are very very lucky it is a total waste of space.

I am also slightly deaf which adds to the problem.

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Yes, I had read that Trishaa, that is why I was asking.

I do have broadband...we have left Chateau Despair...which is why I'm going in over my head

By the time I have bought all the bits and pieces, it will have been cheaper to have paid FT for phoning.  I can use skype just to chat on screen anyway.

I am going to have to go into this further.

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Skype's OK if nobody else in the house wants to use the computer or make a call - and what about sitting by the pool to make a call?  My daughter tried it and called me from the UK and the line was dreadful - give me TLK2 any day - cheap, easy, forward thinking (Broadband coming on line hopefully in October), new to France and really catching on.  Look at their website on www.tlk2.com or you are welcome to email me on ggroome@fsmail.net and I would gladly discuss it with you.


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