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Has anyone had any dealings with this company?http://www.silvermead.net/satellite/

It looks like it could be very handy.



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Key element to notice in their blurb is 'one way'. The way the system works is that you use normal dial up to request web pages/files etc and it sends them to you via a satellite link. So if you send someone a large E-mail it will take the same time, downloading a web page will be quicker, playing games online will be hopeless due the the satellite delay (time for signal to get from earth to satellite and back approx 200ms, normal modem 'ping' 180ms).

Keep to dialup is my advice.

Two way satellite links cost approx 100Euros a month PLUS 1500  Euros equipment. Still issue with ping but two way link is fast - really need a business to justify it.



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Actually even though its one-way it looks quite interesting. £19.99 per month for a 256kb connection seems reasonable. I don't play online games so the Ping delay isn't a problem. If I could persuade FT to intall a 64k Numeris (ISDN) line for the upstream then I might have a half decent connection at a half reasonable cost. I will investigate further.Anybody know of any other low cost satellite providers?


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Im using the Sat Broadband & its great & easy to install to your current Sky Dish.



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one of the main problems with a sat connections is that it does not generally work with VPN. It is not clear if this package has managed to get around this problem. There are also more  contention(sharing) issues with sat downlink - again it is not clear from these package what actual downlink rate would be and the policy used for sharing amongst several users accessing at the same time.





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