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I have designed some software...

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I have a detailed concept and a primitive Excel version. Before presenting to potential investors or programmers I want to produce a 'demonstration' of the software as I see it in it's final state. ie a visual representation of how it will work, complete with linked windows etc.

Can anyone give me any leads on what software I can use to build such a thing ? How do Pros demonstrate thier software concepts ?


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I've been out of the industry a few years so things may have changed, but you might consider mocking up some entry screens and some result screens (using a graphics package or a pen and paper) but most important, you need to spend a great deal of time thinking of all he advantages of your software. Despite (or because of  being in IT, I am very keen on using the best technology rather than always using the computer. If the easiest way to tell your other half that you've just popped down to the Post Office is to use a yellow sticky on the fridge, I don't think a PC notification system should be even be considered (Yes, I know that's a very simplistic view, but use it as a concept).


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You could try MS Powerpoint. I've not used it but I think it has the ability to pop up boxes, move stuff around the screen etc.

The other option is code up a demo in Macromedia Flash, then it's very web accessible to potential testers/customers etc.

Just a few thoughts,

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Potential investors will want to know what the development, implementation, marketing, production/distribution, etc. costs are expected to be in relation to the expected income generated. They will want to know what route to market you are proposing and what net margin you will be expecting to make. What is the potential market (who, where, volumes, etc.) for this product and why (you will need justification for your figures). What are you offering the investors. Are you after a bank loan type of arrangement or are you offering investors a percentage of the company ? etc. etc.

You mention presenting to “programmers”. I assume you mean by this that you want to get development costs from them (don’t confuse programmers and investors – even if they are the same person in practice). Most reputable developers will need a decent specification in order to provide you with implementation costs. Anybody who sees a few dummied screens and gives you a cost is worth running away from (fast).

From my experience, investors are not overly impresses by pretty looking things – they want to see where the profit is coming from rather than how nice it is (often they could not care too much if its software or babies nappies they are investing in – its profit). True they do need some idea of what the product is but you can do that on paper. For virtually every bit of software I developed over many years in the IT industry, it was all specified in documents on paper – never used “dummy-up” demos.


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[quote]I have a detailed concept and a primitive Excel version. Before presenting to potential investors or programmers I want to produce a 'demonstration' of the software as I see it in it's final state. ie...[/quote]

What kind of system will it be on?  What did you use to produce your design?  A UML tool for instance (in which case the documentation that provides will be a big help)? Depending on what development environment is intended, to produce the 'final look' including screens etc, won't you practically have to do all the coding anyway?  Unless, as suggested, you simply mock some up in powerpoint.  When you say 'I have designed...' - what exactly do you mean by that?  Have you produced a detailed design or just have a detailed idea about a system that may be useful and an idea of what it would look like but are looking for someone else to do the detailed design and implementation (coding) of it?  Maybe its just me, but the question seems a bit vague to answer. 
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I would get hold of a cheap copy of Visual Basic (VB). It is my experience that VB has allowed people with absolutely no programming aptitude to do mock ups that are pretty convincing.

You might even have a usuable version depending on where your version of Excel came from (check the CD). If you have used Excel Macros, those are actually in VB's language. Check cover CDs from magazines etc. VB includes a form designer and it is pretty easy to drag and drop buttons, text fields etc, design screens and make them pop up (try a search for Visual Basic Tutorial).

Visio (a sort of drawing/design tool but with clever plugins for specialized situations) also has a set of screen design tools, and can also do UML diagrams - but I would suspect that if you could do UML, you wouldn't be asking the question.

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That's where I'm confused, Hegs, is the poster selling an 'idea' or a 'design'?  If the former, then is he looking for someone to come along and design and implement the idea? Or if he really has a design as per the subject heading, then how has he produced it and if using UML, is he just looking for someone to implement it so he can then sell the product himself, or for someone to buy the design and take over the implementation and marketing?  Or for both someone to help with each stage of development, and/also someone to invest in it, while retaining control over the product?
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My project is a tool for use primarily in the stock market, but could then feasably be applied to other activities. I will definately need a software programmer to do the code. My interest is in the perfecting of the tool rather than the business side, I can and probably will finance it myself. However some people I know in the industry have shown an interest, so I'd like to give them and the programmer something more tangible than sketches and Excel sheets to look at.

I may be able to knock something together with Power Point, Illustrator, Photoshop and a Flash Demo builder, I just thought there must be something out there that acheives exactly what I want in one package.

Just read Hegs post, I'll have a look at VB and Visio.


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the problem with using exel is that everyone with exel (and that is not everyone ?) has different versions in different languages. They also have different printers, with different printer settings.

You can compile your exel file into an exe file which will run stand alone. The software is called Baler, and you can read about it here : http://the-ciba.com/vbaler/index.html

It is reasonably easy to use.





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