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WiMax is a long distance wireless network protocol - it goes to 20kms from the arial with speeds starting at ADSL speeds but capable of going much higher. If you have used WiFi to connect your laptop in a Starbucks or hotel, this is like its big brother. It is much much better than satellite but slightly more restrictive than ADSL (no TV for example).

On configuration being studied is to have a WiMax receiver in small communes and then redistribute the signal over a smaller area - say 200 metres - using WiFi.

Altitude Telecom has a France-wide licence and has covered several departments up north almost completely in collabaration with the Conseil Generals of those areas - you should check http://www.altitudetelecom.com/wimax.asp for more details.

There will be a further two WiMax licences allocated on the regional level which will be up for grabs later on this year so hopefully more areas will be covered.

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Wicked. I use Apple Airport at home - so presumably I will be able to connect (for a fee) from my laptop? Mind you, our hameau is only 2 houses and I'm not there all the time, so I doubt if a receiver/transmitter would be considered viable.

My other worry is that the last hotel I tried that in was £5 an hour...
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If your hameau is only 2 houses I guess it would be as cost-effective to link each house directly onto the WiMax signal. For that you need a WiMax arial installation, about EUR 200. Assuming you are in range, all is OK.

The subscriptions are monthly just like ADSL - I think they are little bit pricier, about EUR 30 or so - it depends on department.

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Altitude Telecom are the people to contact.

>just looked it up, it seems to be on some sort of wireless standard - Airport is 802.11/11b, but the site I saw stated >802.16 - are these compatible? -

Standard Wifi is 802.11 something (a,b, or g) usually. WiMax is 802.16. They are indeed incompatible, but they use the same ideas. That's why you would need a WiMax arial.

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Dick - in Manche, you need to contact Nomotech (www.nomotech.com) which provides the service around here. Nomotech operates in Notre-Dame-du-Touchet (which I believe to be very near you), but not, as far as we are told, in the neighbouring communes, although I have to confess I don't see why if the signal is indeed good for a 20km radius. I believe the equipment you need will cost around 200-300€, with a 29€ or 39€ monthly fee.

I am about 4km from the commune mentioned above - so if anybody can tell me what Nomotech can't tell me, and that is why Dick or I cannot be connected to the service, my own curiosity will be truly satisfied.

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Thanks, Will. I've emailed Nomotech, when I get a reply I'll post it here.

To answer BigJim's original question it seems like there are 2 services, 4meg and 1meg, at differing prices (the 1mb is €29 monthly). The Nomotech URL Will gave gives details for Manche and Calvados.
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Sadly I live in the second least populated department and in the Morvan to boot.

We have only just got unlimited dialup from wanadoo so my only hope of BB this decade is Wimax.

However EDF are looking at transmitting down the powerlines and there is a new low power sub-audio UWB technology on VHF frequencies being tested.

You lucky bleeders is all I can say.

interesting links for wifi/wlan/wimax


and for unrelated technology but great for self-sufficiency freaks


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We've got WIMAX in our Commune in Vendee now. I looked into it but find it a little pricey and you have to sign a two year contract. 1 Mbit costs follow:

100 Euro deposit

39 Euro/month

200 Euro installation charge

Is anyone already using this ? I wonder how stable the signal is for you. Can you install the antenna yourself  ?

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I looked into the wimax system and I don't think installing the antenna youself is an option, as for the price it's not that prohibative but still more than the wanadoo option that is available to us. But essentially it was the 2 year contract that put me off, I think it is a bit excessive

depending on the distance you are away from the transmitter it ought to be very stable, as long as they have the bandwidth to cope

I may look into it later when it is a bit more established especially given the propblems there are sending email using wanadoo!




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