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Tiscali changing to Alice has caused some consternation here. My husband thought we had had a virus especially as Alice is alluring and tried to get rid of it. The neighbour engueuled his son because he thought he had been looking at sites he shouldn't have, I 'm not saying the poor lad doesn't do such a thing, but in this case he certainly hadn't.

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Same confusion here TU.

I admit I don't do more than glance at the front page of what was Tiscali, but I would have thought there could have been some advance warning of the change, a banner headline saying 'We Are Changing Our Name' might have done the trick.

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Also confused to find Alice invading my screen. Notice that Alice offers ADSL+telephone for 29.99 and we pay 30+ box but no details about whether we will benefit. I think as usual they are only interested in new customers.!!  Ruth.
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[quote]Same confusion here TU. I admit I don't do more than glance at the front page of what was Tiscali, but I would have thought there could have been some advance warning of the change, a banner headlin...[/quote]

I received several newsletters from Tiscali over the last few months announcing the merger and change of name...

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But just think of the confusion and worry that Gite / CdH folk would have had if there had been too much advance notice... "Alice is coming in August but we haven't got a room for her", "What do you mean? I've been told that she is coming to us" "How can she assume she's coming, she hasn't completed the application form or sent the deposit" (With apologies to all Gites / CdH folk who have just smiled and said "Cheeky S*d")


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Yes, Alice is rather enticing isn't she.

I suspect that Tiscali decided that increased market penetration could be best achieved by making their portal more female friendly. The site now has a similar feel to some American sites which are aimed at women. Beware - we are being manipulated!

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