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Tiscali ADSL - Need help, please!

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I posted last week regarding problems connecting to Tiscali, kept getting error messages etc. Problem has not sorted itself out but today I got an e-mail from Alice offering ADSL. I decided to check again and it now appears that we can get it! Am really pleased as it will now cost me less and should be faster!

The problem is that the offer includes "free" telephone calls and it's asking for « Dégroupage Total », here's the paragraph in the e-mail...


Vous avez choisi de bénéficier également de l’Abonnement Téléphonique gratuit Alice ?
N’oubliez pas, si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, de nous faire parvenir le mandat de « Dégroupage Total » qui vous a été envoyé ou que vous avez imprimé lors de votre inscription, complété, signé et accompagné d’une copie de votre dernière facture France Télécom à l’adresse suivante :

I'm also not the bill-payer, so the facture is not in my name, it's my Father's.

Problem; we have a business and I don't want it to change my business telephone number. They have given me a new telephone number, and I'm hoping that it's just to make the free calls through. I don't really understand anything about it as you can see! It won't cost my Father anything will it? If so, I'd rather forget the free calls and just have the ADSL, but can this be done? Is it as good an offer as it looks?

This is what it says;

Grâce à votre abonnement ADSL Alice, vous pourrez téléphoner via Internet. Il vous suffira de brancher votre téléphone sur votre modem.

Votre numéro de téléphone Alice est le suivant :


Depuis ce numéro de téléphone, vos appels locaux et nationaux en France métropolitaine seront gratuits et illimités* !

Conservez-le précieusement et communiquez-le à vos proches.

Bien entendu, vous conservez également votre numéro de téléphone actuel.

*Hors numéros courts, numéros spéciaux et numéros d’urgence. Pour consulter les tarifs, cliquez ici.
Pour surfer et téléphoner avec votre modem, il vous suffira de reconfigurer votre connexion ADSL Alice en spécifiant votre n° de téléphone Alice et votre clé de sécurité. Ceux-ci vous seront rappelés dans votre courrier de bienvenue.


Can anyone please help me?





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Not strictly on topic as the promised ADSL is still not here (the date came and went and has again been put off)  but since Alice took over it is dire dire dire. I have such a slow connection I could cry. It has gone from being far better than Wanadoo to being the worst service I have had in France.

If we ever get ADSL I might give Wannago a try - nothing can be much worse than this - can it??????

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The Tiscali/Alice ADSL with free French national and local calls lets you keep your original number and provides you with a second line through the triway modem.

You can make and receive calls on the second line without affecting your France Telecom line.


Hope this clarifies things



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I had Tiscali & upgraded to their ADSL service 2 months ago. It's great, no problems even though it's gone to Alice. The phone part is fine. We have a phone plugged into the back of the Triway box & if we make any calls to a French number they go via that & are free.

We have another phone plugged into another separate FT socket (but same line) for all international calls as like many we have a cheap phone company that they go through. All works well. Fast too!

Hope this helps & you can understand my babble as i'm not very computer minded, there again, if i got it working, anyone can!


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It will no doubt complicate things if the bill is in your father's name, but in essence if you are going for a package "degroupage Totale" you will no longer rent a line from France Telecom, saving the rental each month, but will still have your old number, plus the new number via the magic box.

In effect Alice rents the line wholesale from FT and then retail it to you as part of the overall ADSL package.

The only downside is that if you have a line problem the chain of error reporting / fault management is a bit more complicated, and could potentially  cause delays. Some people have also reported problems cancelling degroupe contracts whereby they have been left without service for up to two weeks, when the old service was stopped, but the files for the new service went walkabout.....


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N’oubliez pas, si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, de nous faire parvenir le mandat de « Dégroupage Total » qui vous a été envoyé ou que vous avez imprimé lors de votre inscription, complété, signé et accompagné d’une copie de votre dernière facture France Télécom à l’adresse suivante 

I guess they won't do anything until you send these two bits of paper firstly to authorise then to contact FT and modify your contract with FT  and also the show that you have got the number right!

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