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We are now actual on the list to get ADSL this century - might only be a few months late but coming it is. Wanadoo only of course.

Now, is it better to buy or pay monthly for the livebox and is it worth getting the livebox at all (the other alternatives are not very cheap and Wannadont at least give a 2 year guarantee with the box).

Comments pls. I will be setting up one machine for broadband and one for dial-in (it will be able to run broadband but will have a French dial-in modem for emergencies, they all go down at some time and in my view just when it is urgent to have access NOW).

I have lived with this dial-in system for so long here that I cannot believe that we MIGHT get something faster.

reADSL is due for those in the commune (we are in the hills) and the proposed speed is less than I get now on my trusty old Olitec dial-in - mind, this has been put back so many times I think that some have gone back to their crochet and given up on the fast life that the Internet was offering them. Now, where are the knitting needles, the time for fingerless gloves will be here shortly

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[quote]We are now actual on the list to get ADSL this century - might only be a few months late but coming it is. Wanadoo only of course. Now, is it better to buy or pay monthly for the livebox and is it wo...[/quote]

My first Livebox was temperamental and was changed by FT without a quibble. The new Livebox has changed slightly and the Wifi adapter and performance is much better. I prefer to rent (which was the only option when they first came out), as 3 euros a month is affordable. I Know you can buy them now, but if you know what the SAV is like in some stores, I wouldn't hedge your bets on getting a replacement - they would probably send it away for repair . I found FT do not even quibble and just give you a new one if it goes wrong. I have three Pc's connected via wifi , usb and ethernet - all work fine. As you probably know the Livebox can also be used for telephone and TV.



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I rent my livebox, luckily, I am on my third now and still can't even get it connected to my PC.  I have been through the whole process on the phone with someone both in France and in UK and still it won't connect to my computer.  The price is only 3 euros and definately a better option than buying, but I would love to get it to work.

If anyone can give me some advice as to what I am doing wrong I would be very grateful.

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I just use an Ethernet ADSL box I got from Wanadoo for €10.

Sounds like you are Wanadooing so:

A few unrelated things. You do not need to install the Wanadoo software disk (much better not to). Wanadoo set-up (and expect you to use) the ADSL connection in the same way as a dial-up connection. Although the ADSL dial-up is instantaneous, it is still a dial-up type connection that you connect to/disconnect from. I got an Ethernet ADSL box and have now manually set it up as a true router. This works. I spoke to Thompson (the actual manufacturer) about it and they said that Wanadoo do not like that – and I thought “tough s**t”. Works well. The only fiddle is establishing how to configure the router when you first connect it to your network. It might UpnP OK in which case no problems. If not you might have to visit the real manufacturer web site (Wanadoo only sent their documentation and nothing directly related to the ADSL box itself). You will probably need to set the ADSL box to behave as a router and to include your connection username and password (minimum – probably more, depending on what box you get/they send).

I have my old dial-up connection (and modem) still connected to my computer “just-in-case”. However, when Wanadoo activate your ADSL application your dial-up account will become blocked. I found I could still connect OK but would be thrown off after a few minutes (sometimes immediately, sometimes after a few minutes). They said this was because I was now set-up as an ADSL user (even though I had not yet received the ADSL box and FT had not activated the ADSL line) and the only thing they could do was to cancel the ADSL request !!! However, the PAYG dial-up number continued to work OK so I used that for a few days whilst waiting for the ADSL. Bottom line is you might get a few “disrupted” days service through the switch-over.


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Take a look at www.free.fr, with broadband they also give you a free unlimted dial up connection as back up for the days when the Ft line is not up to scratch. Their version of livebox is free and when comparing like with like free is altogether much better value.

For the services I get from free at 29.90€ wanadoo want 47.90e - I wanadon't pay that!!
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