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Phone OK if you are french????

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The same friend of mine who is having problems with teachers at school and electricity connections has succeeded with the phone......but only as she has french nationality!!

The mayor has been refusing to let her have the phone as he did not want any more pylons, same story for electricity although there are pyons quite close to her. The quotes seem to come through the mairie and not through the EDF or France telecom and are outrageously high....

A french friend stepped in to help - he appears to have been quite influential and she should have the phone on within the month for free. 

The mayor was only standing in her way as he thought she was english, now he realises she has french nationality he is not stopping the installation, and no one seems to be able to question his authority in any way except our friend who has connections at the Conseille General.......

The secretary in the mairie also refused to update the address on my friend's french ID card, until told she was obliged to do so.

In the recent floods over the weekend my friend and her daugher stayed with us as her ford was impassable, had they been separated, at the time with no way of telephoning each other, or if there had been an accident and they had not been able to telephone the emergency services?  Would this have been on the conscience of the mayor?  Unfortunately there is no chance he will be replaced in the next elections - no one will stand against him.  

Ho hum country life - we live in the next village, I would not live anywhere else, our mayor has been bad enough in the past but now we seem to be accepted as part of the community.

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I soecifically did not put in the name of the very small village concerned, but it is very rural as is my village.  It seems to take people a long time to accept incomers, even from other areas of France.  This is the first time I have ever heard a mayor be so blatantly anti in-comers, but he is not the only one. 
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