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drivers for Speedstream 6200?

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Good morning

my ADSL connection with Cegetel is not working and they are doing a line test which will take two weeks

they suggested I try a different modem to make sure it is not the modem!

an American friend who went home left a Efficient Networks (Siemens?) Speedstream 6200) with me but no software. These modems are provided by Wanadoo, I think.

does anybody have the drivers for this as they cannot be found on the internet.

I read somewhere that if I used an ethernet cable for this modem, I do not need the drivers but no  joy. If I get can the software, will I need a WEP key?

Obviously I would be most grateful for any help and suggestions.



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When I have had problems with my ADSL I telephone France Telecom/Wanadoo and explain and they do a line test immediately. When I shows everything is OK, yet the ADSL is still not working then I generally get an engineer out within a day or so. Engineers do immediate and dynamic line tests using their mobile phones. As they makes changes to the cabling so they can view the results it has had in the line. I suspect that Cegetel are “lower cost” and thus “lower service”. It’s the ISP price/service balance again where you pays your money/takes your choice. Two weeks to do a line test is pretty bad.


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If it is a US product you need to be careful about the WiFi. US regulations allow higher radiated power than European modems. Also, whilst the frequency band (2.4) is the same, the channel allocations are different. This should not be a problem but you may find the US model only has 12 channels. How

If using it as a router/gateway (i.e. through the Ethernet port rather than the USB port) you will probably not need any drivers but you will need to configure it. It is a UPnP device so if you are running Windoze XP you should be able to discover it (and thus configure it) without problems. If not (or if you do not have UPnP enabled than you will need to find its IP address and configure it with a browser.

You will only need a WEP key if you wish to enable the wireless security aspects to the router and you can select your own. However, if the wireless already has WEP enabled you will need to “get into” the router through e.g. through the cabled Ethernet.

You should only need drivers if you are running it over the USB link. Siemens are not strong on web support and downloads so you may find it hard to obtain these this way.


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Thank you very much for your replies.  I had a bit of a nightmare day as the modem in one of the laptops is faulty but I have now put in a spare one I had. However the other laptop has a bad trojan horse which my anti-virus cannot delete. I cannot even find the file to manually delete it, it appears to have hidden itself somewhere.

the modem was bought in France and appears to be used by Wanadoo for my LineTV. I have now found a driver but that's as far as I got. cannot get anything to work. only just back on line having spent more money with Cegetel to be told that their "serveurs sont surcharges" and to be patient.

I have windows 2000 on the laptop with ethernet connection and it's also the one with the virus.I am not sure how to find the IP address, will do a search on Wanadoo website to see if they have any such thing.  I don't even know what a Upnp is!

anyway now I understand a bit more about WEP keys.

if you could tell me a bit more how I could get the IP address,  and what do I do with it once and if I find it, I would really appreciate it.

thanks and regards



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"Siemens are not strong on web support and downloads so you may find it hard to obtain these this way"

I think that's a bit harsh. A simple Yahoo search for Speedstream 6200 drivers gives a link to the Siemens website driver page.

Dominique, I've downloaded the usb driver so PM me your e-mail address and I'll send it to you.

Good luck


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[quote]"Siemens are not strong on web support and downloads so you may find it hard to obtain these this way" I think that's a bit harsh. A simple Yahoo search for Speedstream 6200 drivers gives a link to ...[/quote]

Siemens have a bit of a reputation in the communications industry. Which is what I was referring to.

But I cannot be arsed to argue about it. Anything one writes on here to try and help people seems to end up being questioned by others and it all just takes for ever and a day. One tries to help people and it all just gets too much work and these days I really don’t know why I bother. So I probably wont any more.


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[quote]"Siemens are not strong on web support and downloads so you may find it hard to obtain these this way" I think that's a bit harsh. A simple Yahoo search for Speedstream 6200 drivers gives a link to ...[/quote]

I just tried it and you have to get to the 4th page in Yahoo to get a link to the datasheet on Siemen’s own web site. Note that there is no “Search” on this site. You then have to go to Knowledge Base (NOT “Support and Service”) In Knowledge Base” do a search on “Speedstream 6200” and you get “An error has occurred. Object required”. You actually have to use the Search tab on the left to 6000 Modem (not identified as Speedstream anywhere so who knows what it might be for). Then you can find a link to USB driver and hey at last it identifies that its for a Speedstream. So you can now click on the link to download drv, except the link might say that but the actual link is to something else and click on it to download it and (in Firefox) you actually download something called getfile.asp and when you try to open that it actually opens in Frontapge and ….. (so you can only do this in MS Internet Explorer).

Of course it’s a friendly easy to use site. But for the rest of us in the real world it is a very poorly designed and very unhelpful site – which is what I said in my original post, and from personal experience I now agree with the reputation.


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again thank you for replies

I had looked at the Siemens site but had ended up with a dead link and I though they had removed the page. I have since found another driver but it does not seem to work, that's why I was keen to try with the ethernet cable.

I actually also use Avast but for some reason it could not find the file and I could not find it either. Actually it was a Trojoan Horse, one of the scvhost2.exe one. I disabled Avast to install some software and forgot to enable it again. I feel such a fool.

Steve: I am sending your my email address.

thanks again.


PS: I now fully sympathise with users on a permanent 56k connection!

PPS: somebody else today also advised me to go with Wanadoo for a better service but my American friend had a really bad experience with them: they gave her software for a PC when she had a MAC. The support telephone line people did not seem to know there was a difference in the software/drivers, tooks weeks to sort it out (despite my going to the Wanadoo store and refusing to leave until it was sorted out and being promised an engineer on site within 24 hours)

Still Cegetel don't even send engineers on site. I think they are near me in Lyon perhaps I should pay them a visit?

PPPS: I don't know whether to feel sorry or furious with help line staff: they sometimes appear to know even less than me, but it can't be much fun being on the receiving end of irate customers (I was not, I was very polite, guess I feel sorry for them - don't know if it makes a difference if you get really stroppy with them???)

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