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I hope someone can help.  My computer uses XP Professional SP2.   Although I had problems initially with the Live Box installation everything was fine until a couple of weeks ago when I started getting the error message, "this application has failed to start because SISBase.dll was not found.   Re-installing the application may fix this problem."   I have found SIS VAGA Utilities amoungst my program files but cannot access the help section.   The only option it gives me is to uninstall, but I don`t want to do this until I find out what the program is supposed to do.   I have not noticed any thing different since the error message started.   Nor do I know how to re-install it the program.   I have not got a disk for SIS VAGA in my collection.   I should be grateful if anyone could help or at least point me in the right direction.    I do usually leave my computer in 'sleep mode' and have noticed that updates etc periodically arrive without me knowing exactly what they are.


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I think you mean SIS VGA Utilities. Its the driver for a SIS Video card.

If you havent got a cd or disk with the video card utilities you can download off the net, if you can access the net which i assume you can as you have posted here.

Just type in SIS VGA Utilities and you will find drivers to download including XP version.

Good luck


PS I found this on another site it may help

30 Sep, 2004 9:08 pm   

I had the same problem and i have a solution.
For the record i'm using windows XP(SP2), but i guess the solution will also work for win2k Pro.

The same thing happened to me, after installing new sis VGA drivers i lost some entry points in the SISBase.dll file.
But i found a way to fix this.

The file that is causing the problem is SISBase.dll and it's located in your C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder.

The error said it could not locate certain entrypoints in the SISBase.dll AFTER the upgrade of the drivers.
Now when you look in the driver-folder of your extracted newly downloaded SIS VGA driver(that started this problem) you will find a SISBase.dll in the WinXP_2K folder.
Now that SISBase.dll right there is faulthy.
Although it's nearly the same as the old SISBase.dll of the driver that was previously running ok.

Now if you did like me and tried a driver-rollback, you will have found that the SISBase.dll error persisted.

So here's the solution, just install the newly downloaded driver.
Now you will get the SISBase.dll error, but what you have to do is copy the SISBase.dll of the old driver(that worked without errors) and paste it over the new faulthy one in your C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder.

Now you ask, but how to get hold of an old driver? SIS only put's up the latest drivers for download?
Well...if i'm not mistaking when you bought your computer or motherboard(which is what i did) you probably got a SIS-support CD with it....if not you might have gotten some other cd with drivers on them.
On that cd are the old SIS VGA drivers.(Make sure you look for the driver that corresponds to your operating system)
What you have to do is locate the old SISBase.dll on that cd and copy it to
C:\WINDOWS\system32 and overwrite the faulthy one.
Now reboot.

This fixed it for me.

Now on a sidenote...if you haven't got the old SIS-support or driver cd anymore with the old SIS vga drivers, then i suggest trying to find some old versions on the web or mail SIS Support and ask for an old version of the driver.

Hope this helps...good luck!



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Hi Bob

Thanks for the help.   At least I know know that the problem file is a 'driver'.   What you said made sense.   This new setup is forever upgrading/downloading, seemingly of it's own volition.   I have not managed to find the replacement on the net as yet but I do regularly back up my hard drives so perhaps I can 'lift' the file from there.   It is pre error.   It will be a few days before I get chance to try this but I will let you know how I get on.    Looks like I don't need to go back to the abacus afterall!


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