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EDF problem

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We have had our electricity supply limited (for some reason after 10 years, the last bill and reminder was sent to the French house instead of here in England).  We have now registered on line and paid the bill but does anyone know how long it takes for the supply to be fully restored please or whether we need to do anything else?



Allen Kaye 

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Call and ask. There are some numbers to call on that link. I would suggest that you look at this and see which if the indicatifs you would need to use. Well that is how I would suppose it worked. I would have used the one with the 4 in it as I used to live in the Rhone Alpes.

Indicatifs téléphoniques régionaux et particuliers[modifier]

Note : le préfixe 0 concerne l'opérateur téléphonique par défaut.

Le territoire français (hormis les dépendances de l’Océan Pacifique qui disposent d’une numérotation spécifique) est partagé en 5 grandes zones regroupant une à plusieurs régions. Cette répartition géographique est définie par l'ARCEP[3].

Numéros géographiques[modifier]

  • 01 : Région Île de France

  • 02 : Région nord-ouest & dépendances de l'Océan Indien

  • 03 : Région nord-est

  • 04 : Région sud-est

  • 05 : Région sud-ouest & dépendances de l'Océan Atlantique

Numéros non géographiques[modifier]

  • 06 : Mobiles

  • 07 : Mobiles[4] et appareils communicants (M2M)[5] depuis mi-2010

  • 08 : Numéros à tarification spéciale
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EDF is not allowed to cut off supply when bills go unpaid, but it is allowed to reduce it to 1kW.

In a way, you are lucky NOT to have been cut off, which would have been the case before the current legislation.

You will need to contact EDF to ensure full supply is reinstated. A face-to-face conversation is likely to be more productive than a tel. call.

Can this wait until your next visit to France?

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Welcome to the Forum.

From personal experience of dealing with EDF problems, I agree that, if you can wait until your next visit to France, face-to-face contact is much better.  Also go to the office as soon as it opens (usually 08h30 but check as times may vary) because you will be given more time than later in the day.

If you don't speak French, you will need to take someone with you.

Phoning to sort out the problem is possible.  I find that an opening line of  'Bonjour Monsieur/Madame, je suis desolee de vous deranger' works a treat.

Good luck.  Let us know what the outcome is.

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Leave it? I would not leave it. It would be hard to have a couple of lights on and boil a kettle if you are down to 1kw.

This isn't your fault. And they should fix it now. Also, depending on when you are next in France, if it is the grandes vacances, it could be hard to get someone out quickly????? couldn't it?????


Just after I got back to the UK, I was in my local high street and someone stopped me, canvassing and asked if I'd be interested in taking EDF electricity. I wasn't rude, just firmly said 'I've had them for twenty five years and have no intention of giving them my custom again'. I'm sure that they didn't believe me as I walked away. Over the years we have had problems with the EDF and I don't want them again. I'd rather try other companies. When one has a lack of choice as we had for most of our time in France, the EDF used to change our account sometimes without any reason and it could be hard to get them to sort it out.

Our first couple of years were not with the EDF we were with a regie. We had no choice in having them either.

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Hi All

Thanks for your responses and advice. We rang the English speaking helpline as advised this morning got thropugh within a minute or so and explained the situation. They were very helpful and arranged to change the supply back to normal today - in the end it took them 3 hours to get someone out there so we were very pleased.   It does not explain why we did not get the latest set of bills or chase up letters but we can follow this up later.  We would advise people on EDF to register on-line with them - quite straightforward really and this allows us to check the latest situation and see the last bill and history anytime we want - also you can pay immediately on-line by credit card which worked well.

So - credit to EDF in fixing problem and we won't comment about the communication problems that started it all until we are sure what caused them.

regards to all

Allen Kaye




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  • 5 weeks later...
Hi Allen,

Could you pass on the number you called for the English speaking helpline?  I've seen several quoted and many people saying they don't get through to numbers.  As you were successful, it would be great to get the number.

Off to see the house we've just bought in a couple of weeks and want to be prepared for any problems!



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