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We have just received our ALicebox and are eventually up and running with ADSL.

Our offer also includes "free" phonecalls and we had to apply for something called degroupage total to FT. But I don't understand how it works! We now have another telephone number as well as the number we normally have.

Do we have to make the "free" calls form the new phone number only or does it not matter which phone we use? If I call our old number both phones ring, but if I call the new number just the phone attached to the Alicebox rings! I am totally confused!!! Please help me!



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You need to use the Alice phone to make free local and national French calls. If someone calls you on your Alice line just the Alice phone rings, if someone calls on your FT line both ring and you can answer from either phone. If you want to use the Alice phone to make a call on your FT line press ** and dial.

You can also make cheap international calls (0.06 cents per minute plus 0.12 cent connection charge)


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0.06 cents per minute for international calls is good (that is approximately half a p per minute) – who is that with ?. Beat TeleRabis, etc. (but not the “free deals”). Alice charge 0.06 euros per minute (plus a 12 cent connection charge) which is npot particularly cheap compared to other available "peak rates".

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Hi Ian,

I think that's what Steve meant to say! 0.06 euro, not cents!

Thanks both for your input though!

But I think (if I'm reading it right) that if you use ## to dial from your FT line, then you will be charged by FT!

Here's the paragragh...

"Lorsque vous utilisez votre service téléphon Alice.

Une tonalité spécifique et le voyant <Phone 1> sur votre modem vous confirment son bon fonctionnement

* Le voyant <Phone 1> s'allume quand je décroche tout est normal, je télephone avec Alice.

Si le voyant <Phone 1> clignote avant numérotation votre connexion ADSL n'set pas établie. Vous ne pouvez pas télephoner avec Alice, si vous n'avez pas souscrit à l'abonnement téléphonique gratuit Alice (dégroupage total) Vous pouvez néanmoins toujours utiliser votre opérateur classique en tapant # # pius le numéro de votre correspondant(1)


* Le voyant <Phone 2> clignote : tout est normal,

Ce voyant fonctionnera comme le voyant <Phone 1> lorsque Alice vous prposera un 2e numéro de téléphone.

Si vous n'obtenez pas de tonalité spécifique, débranchez puis bracnhez à nouveau votre modem.

Si vous n'avez toujours pas de tonalité quelques minutes aprés rebranché votre modem, nous vous invitons à contacter le service technique Alice."

(1) Dans ce cas, vos appels vous sont facturés par votre opérateur téléphonique classique.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!


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0.06€ per minute with a 0.12€ connection charge is something of a “rip-off” for calls to the UK (up with theTele2 prices except Tele2 don’t (used not to)charge a connection charge !). Hence I assumed he was talking about another carrier – as 0.06€+0.12€connection is far from cheap !

Also, sounds like with the Alice system they have also forced you to take pre-selection (a horrible thing that just ensures they can charge higher prices without you doing anything about it) At those prices and with the pre-selection I would ditch Alice and go for a telephone carrier that gives better prices (or, without pre-selection, just start using one non-account based one that is less that half the price peak rate, a quarter of the price of-peak rate).


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With the degroupage totale that Lilac has signed up for you no longer have an FT line, you rent the whole lot from Alice. You may pay a bit more for calls compared to some of the operators, but you don't have any line rental to pay, because it is included in your  your ADSL bill from Alice.

I don't know which of the secondary (code based)operators such as Tele2 you can still get to from a degroupee line.It would be interesting to hear from someone in that situation. To date degroupage totale has not been that important for most of us being restricted to the larger towns and cities.

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Sorry, I did in fact mean 0.06€ per min.

You may not think that's cheap for international calls so don't use it, I don't. I use another provider through my FT line. You may however find it difficult to beat free French local and national calls unless your provider pays you.


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Am just about to install an alicebox at my parents, can you put filters on the other phone extensions so that by default your always using the alicebox free calls option ?? They aren't in total degroupage and so are still keeping their FT Line OR do they have to make all their national and local calls (so they get them free) from the alicebox modem ??? I'm thinking its probably easier to put a wifi card in the computer and keep the alicebox downstairs where they use their main phone, filters would be easier still though.
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