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Annoying news headlines

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Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get rid of the cr*p at the bottom of some news programmes? It almost drives me insane trying to concentrate on the main story whilst a totally different subject is running at the bottom of the screen.

I have tried every button/menu on the remote but can't see anything that allows me to do this.

Please tell me there is a way!

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[quote]There are 2 easy ways - move to a non news channel or hit the off button. Our personal hate is the liitle man/woman in the bottom RH corner waving his arms/hands around - no, not John McCrirrick. I...[/quote]

You might think differently if you were deaf, John.

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[quote]Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get rid of the cr*p at the bottom of some news programmes? It almost drives me insane trying to concentrate on the main story whilst a totally different subject...[/quote]

If it worries you so much, then using a widescreen TV will solve your problem. By altering the screen setting size you will be able to cut the bottom off the picture and loose the ticker tape news. You may get slight picture distortion but hopefully you will be able to concentrate on the news.


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Thanks for that Ian, I really did believe I was alone in not being able to absorb both types of input at the same time! Glad to know it's just not me. So frustrating when you just glimpse a word like 'shot' or 'disaster' and have to wait for the item to come around again.

 Other annoyances,

The permanent logo in the top LH corner.

Credits shrinking to a small area while some advert is shown when you wish to check someone in the cast.

Longer and more frequent commercial breaks (or is it my imagination?).

The need for a full recap after each break.

 These innovations appear to originate in the US and once here, spread from channel to channel. Pity really because I believe that the US  produces some of the finest television programmes in the world,

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I do have a wide screen tv and I do exactly what you say, ie alter the screen size, but then I lose the top of people's heads etc so.....

I still think with all those buttons to play with I should be able to turn things off I don't like. Much too democratic I suppose, just giving power to the people for no good reason!

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