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Where can I buy a PC in the UK?

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I have been trying to buy a new PC sourced in the UK and shipped to France, for various reasons. There are many sources that have websites but when I email them to ask if they ship to France I get no reply, even from one that asked me to email them for a shipping cost.

Dell UK wouldn't even talk to me and said "phone this Paris number"!

Does anyone know of companies that will definately do this, it's hardly the dark side of the moon here, is it?

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[quote]Are you really sure that you NEED to do this ? Earlier this year we bought a Dell in France but fitted with English software. All you have to do is ask. John not[/quote]

For a number of yearsI used to get my PCs and bits from www.dabs.uk. Now I get them from www.dabs.fr who have a 'British section' (qwerty keyboards and english software). I find Dabs very reliable and reasonably priced.
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You sure bought a computer from bigpockets

Number one is it is American site and number two it does not sell computers

But if  you want a  Go Birding! Sweatshirt , Wireless weather station, ( handy for Florida holidays) or Bird Identiflyer & Desk Alarm Clock: D  It seems to be the site to be on

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[quote]I have been trying to buy a new PC sourced in the UK and shipped to France, for various reasons. There are many sources that have websites but when I email them to ask if they ship to France I get no ...[/quote]

If you buy in the UK you may just want to check-out the warranty. While some EU manufacturers have genuine international or EU-wide warranties, others will require that you "return the PC to base".

And you will incur shipping charges for return of the PC to the UK for repair. because they will only honour the warranty in the country in which the PC was purchased.

You will also find that warranties differ from product to product from the same manufacturer.


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Just bought one from DELL UK, its being picked up by a friend returning here so no delivery charges free delivery on the one I bought anyway, however, DELL UK DO deliver to France for £96 and their warranty is valid across the EU

I'm not sure if I fell for a sales pitch and the telephone sales guy needed the commission, but internet orders take 5 weeks for delivery in the UK, whereas phone orders only take 7 working days

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My PC came from Dell FR and came with a free one year 'on site' warranty and two year back to base warranty - they also threw in double memory - it was really very cheap.

I always buy Dell and the only time I have ever had a problem the 'man' turned up within 48 hours and replaced the CDR (in the UK).

You can get all the brit bits from Dell fr and you also get the warranty so I can see no point in buying via the UK - it also arrived within a week from a purchase over the net.

Most of the orders are sorted from Ireland in any case.

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Ron re bigpockets

I think you owe Sharon an apology for your rather condescending and inaccurate reply.

Sharon's 1st post clearly said bigpockets.CO.UK but you mis-read it as bigpockets.COM and decided to fire off your clever dick response.



Oops! Looks like I owe Ron an apology (see his response below) - sorry Ron! Mea Culpa and all that ...



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[quote]Ron re bigpockets I think you owe Sharon an apology for your rather condescending and inaccurate reply. Sharon's 1st post clearly said bigpockets.CO.UK but you mis-read it as bigpockets.COM and deci...[/quote]

"I think you owe Sharon an apology for your rather condescending and inaccurate reply" 

Why? The original posting had a link to bigpockets.com. Is it just possible that Sharon has corrected her first posting FROM .COM  to Co.UK?  There is an edit button you know.

Anyway who pulled your chain? You Sharon's big sister?  Given what bigpockets.com sells  which I thought was funny, my response was HUMOUROUS. you know smiley things, something that is obviously lost on you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote]Thanks everybody for your replies, I will look at Dell.fr today and see if I can sort it out in France, which from many points of view would be the best thing to do.[/quote]

Hi Ian,

Just wondered how you got on with Dell.fr?

I ordered a new pc from them on Saturday.  I went onto Dell.UK site first, printed off the spec for the model I wanted and then rang Dell.fr.  They were very helpful (english spoken) and hopefully my new pc should be with me in 10-15 days. 


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What I did in the end was to buy a very good spec pc from a French site sold without an OS, which arrived in 3 days, and bought XP from an Amazon seller which is taking an age to arrive, any month now hopefully!

In the meantime my trusty stone age machine is holding the fort.

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Is it possible that the Brit agency for Dell doesnt really want to sell to customers in France because the French Dell agency would eventually kick up a fuss? In other words do they have territories which are supposed to be mutually exclusive? I have come across this type of thing once before, but with machinery.

And, are there differences in price between UK 'n Europe? I sometimes trawl between different IKEA sites in Belgium and France and find that sometimes considerable savings can be made.




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I compared the UK/French Dell sites for the same PC and found that in theory the French one would have been more expensive, except that when I followed a link to the UK checkout page, the price shown was way above the original page. Perhaps a computer error but not very encouraging.
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[quote]I compared the UK/French Dell sites for the same PC and found that in theory the French one would have been more expensive, except that when I followed a link to the UK checkout page, the price shown ...[/quote]

the price shown was way above the original page 

 Yes that is true and a bit naughty of Dell, you have to go right through all the options and delete their service package/warrantee option, that way you get back to tyhe offer price.

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You could always buy a French PC and (shock horror !!!!) you might even find that having Windows in French isn't that bad after all. You can load all your existing software in English, download English versions of web bowser (Firefox etc.) and English drivers for your printer. You can even set your French version of Windows to know that your main language usage is English so that English dictionaries etc. are used. An AZERTY keyboard in't too different from what you are used to and has the big advantage that it has all the French accented characters on it éèçà etc. If the keyboard worries you that much then just plug in your old QWERTY keyboard and it will work fine.

I've recently bought a new laptop from Super-U at a much cheaper price than I cold have bought anything similar searching the main UK computer suppliers websites. It comes with a one year on site warranty. It has only taken me a few days to adjust to the different keyboard and, although having to use "shift" to access a full stop (now I know why they use commas instead of decimal points) is a bit of a pain, I love it for typing in French and don't have any problems.

After all, when in France . . . .
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As I said before, I did eventually buy a French? PC from an online site with a good spec for the price but sold without an operating system or other bits and pieces.

My French is improving but not really up to understanding all the technical computer terms so as the same software can be bought in English, why not? I did however buy an AZERTY keyboard to get the accents and hopefully this will work properly otherwise back to the QUERTY!

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