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Help - PC Keeps "Freezing"

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Calling all PC experts.

My friends have just downloaded their Norton Internet Security (2003) virus updates and now they can't do anything with their PC - it just keeps freezing.  You can get to the desktop, but as soon as you try to use any of the desktop icons, the PC throws a wobbly and stops functioning.

I'm going over to see them tomorrow afternoon to try and sort it out for them, but to be honest, I'm no genius when it comes to things like this.  The only thing I can think of is starting up the PC in safe mode and trying to look at the NIS settings through that.  The other thing I need to do for them is delete some of their unwanted programs to try and free up some space.

My other disadvantage is that they use Windows XP, and I'm still a Windows 98 gal.  I have managed to find a website www.online-tutorials.com which tells me how to start Windows XP in Safe Mode, so I should be OK there.

Anyway - if anyone has any ideas about how I can sort out this problem for them, I'd be extremely grateful.


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More seriously, you may get different opinions from different people, but Norton is not particularly great and you do occasionally experience issues on some computers (we used to use it in my company on all computers).

Apart from the issues you are currently experiencing, if is significantly intrusive to the computer and uses loads of system resources. I recommend (based on personal experience) AVG for virus protection, ZoneAlarm for firewall and one of several Ad-mare protection systems (I tend to use windows “anti-spyware” and WinPatrol). These are all professional products developed by reputable companies. However, their “business model” is such that they offer their entry level products free for non-commercial use (including free updates and free virus table updates). I would not state that these are “the best”, just that for me I have found them low impact on system resources (i.e. they don’t slow your computer down nor swallow loads of memory), reliable and without problems.

If selecting anti-adware, be careful as there is quite a lot of “fraudulent” stuff “out-there” (you can check for some info on http://spywarewarrior.com/rogue_anti-spyware.htm)


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The guy I use for my computer issues was telling me that for the home user Free AVG came out as best in a Which (consumer association )report.

I use it with Zone Alam and Pop Up stopper (all free editions) I also have Spybot and Ad Aware.

I believe quite a few forum members have similar set ups.

Good Luck.........
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Like Gay, I use AVG, Spybot and Ad Aware on the advice of my computer man. I previously was using Norton which caused so many problems that I was forced to uninstall it and replace with the previous mentioned products. When I updated to Windows XP my expert installed those programmes again and I have had no problems.

I am not trying to knock Norton but so many people have said stay clear of it and frankly I am very pleased with my current protection. So Jan it might be worth removing Norton from your friends computer and replacing it with the above mentioned free programmes, as this may well cure their freezing.


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Windows XP has a function called “System Restore” which puts a PC back to the way it was working [properly] on a chosen date.   It should uninstall the update if you choose a date before the download took place.


Have a look at http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/helpandsupport/getstarted/ballew_03may19.mspx


“System Restore” is in Start | Programmes | Accessories | System Tools.  Just follow the screen prompts.  If it doesn’t fix the problem you can restore the PC back to its current status.


I guess the danger is that, having uninstalled the download, Norton will want to update the programme again the next time it connects to the internet, which could result in the problem coming back.


Did your friend download / install any other programme at the same time?  It may be something else that is causing the PC to lock up.  If they’re sure the problem’s been caused by Norton if may be worth a look at their FAQ’s / support on their website.


PS – I wouldn’t call myself a “PC Expert” but System Restore has got my PC working again a couple of times – and I think you can run it in Safe Mode if necessary.

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Had the same problems with "norton"......one PC just about croaked and needed completely reformatting, the second managed to survive, just. If you can get to the desktop, then to "Run", type MSCONFIG, go to startup then uncheck the box next to norton (probably labelled symantec), then re-boot, that may help you get to actually uninstall it more easily. Then, after the uninstall, if you search for norton in the usual search screen, you will find loads of files left behind after the uninstall, xp does have a habit of not deleting files and folders when requested.

AVG, Sygate and Ad aware are very good, as recommended by many others and they dont seem to cause system conflicts or take up huge amounts of disc space.

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Thanks for all your help everyone.

I agree about Norton - I upgraded last year to NIS 2005 - it completely crashed one computer and in the end I had to take it back to England for my brother to wipe and re-format. 

In the meantime, I sent a really stroppy letter to Symantec on "the other - shovel a bit more coal on" computer and I now have reams of paper telling me how to uninstall ALL of my previous Norton before putting the new one on.  What a nightmare.  Took me best part of 3 days to get everything up and running again, but I still have "shut-down" problems.

I think I may take your advice and uninstall Norton from their PC and go for AVG and a couple of the other suggestions everyone has made.

I'll let you know how I get on.


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I had a similar problem. I called  Norton direct and they talked me through a process. It didn't take long and sorted out the problem. I haven't had any trouble since. I believe their telephone number is NOT one of these 0900 expensive lines.Try them first before you make an expensive mistake trying to correct something on the advice of a third party (no offence intended to anyone out there offering advice, but I had a friend come around to sort out a problem as he had encountered a similar problem. He couldn't resolve it. The PC was worse that before. It was old so we bought a new one.)


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[quote]Hi, I had a similar problem. I called Norton direct and they talked me through a process. It didn't take long and sorted out the problem. I haven't had any trouble since. I believe their telephone n...[/quote]

My problem having extended my original 2004 Norton "Internet Security" system.  Is I have lost my use of " Outlook Express ".  I am ale to bring Outlook Express on my screen but when trying to make use of their services, I receive  the message : " Your SMTP server has not responded " I use wanadoo.fr as my server.  I thought then that I would not be able to use my email facilities but found that I could bring wanadoo home page up which gave me access to Email facilities.  Problem is although I speak and understand French a reasonable amount, I find it difficult to follow wanadoo's home page system and preferred using " Outlook Express " English style plus Outlook Express holds certain private details of mine.

Les Favets

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Les F

In Internet Explorer, have you tried tools/internet options/programmes?  To have O/E for your messages you should have Outlook Express as your E mail box.

In Outlook Express , go to tools/accounts, you should have your E mail name listed, click on it, then click on properties, then servers, you should have POP3 in "my incoming mail server";  pop wanadoo.fr in "incoming mail" and smtp wanadoo.fr in "outgoing mail".  You should also have your E mail name and password listed in the "Incoming Mail" boxes below

These settings should make O/E your default E mail programme, but you can also access your E mails from Wanadoo messagerie at your PC and on any other PC connected to the internet.

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Thanks for everyone's help with the PC Freezing problem.  I think I've sorted it, but had to do a "System Restore".  It all seems to be working now and fortunately no crucial information lost.  At least now my friends can get onto the internet and contact Symantec to ask for their money back.

My Norton subscription is coming up for renewal - don't think I'll bother.  I'll either go for AVG or one my brother recommended - Mozilla Firefox (I think).


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I would never trust anything that is on offer for "free";ask yourself  "what do they get out of it?".I know that some software has an introductory offer but that is different.Remember the old saying-if you ever do owt for nowt,do it for thysen.
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jc - read my comments further up, the consumer association are independent and still recommended avg.........

i have had this system for a couple of years now and my impression is that it works fine for the majority of home users.

if you want to keep paying out i'm sure there will be someone out there happy to take your money
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[quote]I would never trust anything that is on offer for "free";ask yourself "what do they get out of it?".I know that some software has an introductory offer but that is different.Remember the old saying-i...[/quote]

Every now and again you get people commenting that if you don’t pay for it then it is no good. What I believe one needs to do is to look at how and why people are providing free software. There are many different reasons, many valid and a lot of excellent free software. For example, there are many people who believe that software should be free (rather than making corporations excessive sums of money) and are prepared to give their time and skill to develop free software. For example, Mozilla/Firefox is generally recognised as an excellent web browser (the Gecko engine is considered by most the best for accurate rendering of web layouts). Its free. The Linux operating system another example. However, even for these software “give aways” there is a business model – namely that people are allowed to re-package, bespoke (subject to making their source available – in the spirit in which they got the source code), provide and charge for support and consultancy services.

Other software (e.g. AVG and ZoneAlarm) use the business model where their free entry level variants encourage non-commercial (i.e. home) users to adopt their solutions/offerings. Some will then be impressed and their businesses may follow (though of course having to purchase for commercial use). Similarly, having got to try the “entry level version” they may decide they want the higher functionality from a version they have to purchase. It’s a simple technique to encourage higher market penetration. They get their market penetration through the free offerings rather than having to pay for advertising, publicity to the same extent as e.g. Norton, McAfee.

The free software is just a different business model to those where you have to pay for. In practice many on this forum fall into the category where the free use will provide the companies with little benefit, but it will also const them virtually nothing.

Fortunately the “You get what you pay for” argument does not hold true in all cases and you have to look and the background to the “what, why, etc.” is being offered. Those who keep on about how you really should separate yourself from your money just do not have sufficient understanding as to how the industry works (nor what is actually being offered and available).


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[quote]Les F In Internet Explorer, have you tried tools/internet options/programmes? To have O/E for your messages you should have Outlook Express as your E mail box. In Outlook Express , go to tools/acco...[/quote]

Ron,  Have followed your instructions and every thing comes up in place as your listings but I still am informed by O/E that my SMTP server has not responded. Odd that !!

Regards Les Favets

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