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TNT boxes - any recommendations ? any to avoid?

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The moment when I need to purchase a TNT DVB box for the MIL/BM is fast approaching.

Having established they use the same technology as UK Freeview boxes

this was reassuring and I have my eye on a Sagem ITD 62 on eBay which is also

sold in France by Darty and Carrefour (79,90E / £55 on Darty.fr as opposed to £42.99 on eBay).

Has anyone any boxes they would recommend or advise me to avoid like

the plague? I need to bear in mind the most frequent user of the box

will be a technophobic 80 year old .... so what might work okay for me

might be completely confusing [*-)] for my beloved MIL/BM.

Any tips gratefully received! [:)]

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Remember you asking about the TNT route a few weeks back...

Can't recommend specifically,  but a trap to avoid is the cheapo box with just one SCART output (and nothing else).  For a lot of people that's fine,  but cheap boxes often don't have an RF modulator (which is a pain if you want to connect a second TV set,  or if your TV is so old that it doesn't have SCART) and if your TV only has one Scart socket there may be a problem connecting up a VCR or DVD recorder.   Phono audio sockets are nice if your relatives have a sound system.

I don't know on the RF modulator front whether French boxes o/p L SECAM only or whether they are adjustable to B/G/I PAL,  that's something to watch.

I have a Nokia box,  lovely hardware,  truly klutzy software.  This seems to be a big problem for Nokia (satellite as well) - they're up there with the front runners on the kit,  but they write software that's so arty that it prevents the box running efficiently.  (On the satellite front,  for their original 9600 digital receiver a group of people got togther and re-wrote the software so that the box became useable,  while Nokia messed about patching minor problems,  and then gave up;  it wasn't good PR,  as this post now shows!)

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There are a whole load of user reviews here:


The consensus seems to be that Nokia and Thompson should be avoided.

Sony and Humax are supposed to be good. If you must have an RF

modulator, check the specs very carefully as only around 10 - 20 % of

boxes have these, but they all have 'RF feed-through' which is just a

connection to pass the analogue aerial signal on to the TV.

I am just about to replace my one-year-old Haupaugge 1100 which overheats and has developed a tendency to lock up.

Hope this helps,


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thanks Martin & Roger for the advice.

I took the plunge today and bought a Sagem ITD 62 in Comet - £34.99

(50E) - (funny how their french arm Darty sell it for 79,99E - 

considerably more!). (note to self - sort out euro key on keyboard)

Connected it to my UK set, took about a minute to find the channels and it works fine - even with the poor aerial and cable we have here in foggy Essex.

Software seems simple and straightforward - remote control looks a bit basic but maybe that's not a bad thing!

It has 2 SCART/Peritel sockets and RF pass through. MIL/BM has 5 y.o.

Panasonic set with 2 Peritel scokets so we should have no problems

(fingers crossed).

So the grand plan is to travel to Normandie on 22nd/23rd, on 24th tie a festive bow around the small but perfectly formed Sagem et voila! Joyeux Noël Belle Mere! ....... watch this space!!

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