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anyone using wanadoo adsl without the livebox?

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I am currently using wanadoo adsl with their livebox. But I cannot get full coverage for our property because of thick walls, multi-floors etc. What i do have is an old  netgear router and another wireless modem.

The question is ,does anyone have any experience with "extending" the livebox's coverage by adding additional modems and routers? Or very simply, does anyone know whether wanadoo allow a non livebox setup on their adsl system? Obviously this is very different than the dial up service so I really only need to hear from those that have their adsl on.

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I'm on Wanadoo ADSL 2mb and using a Netgear DG834 wireless ADSL router. It works fine and the range is good, up to about 40 metres into the garden.

I started with a Livebox but I didn't like the setup, including the USB 'dongle' wireless aerial (my laptop has its own wireless network card anyway). The Wnadoo software is rather invasive too, hiding all the connection details from you.

I already had the Netgear router and I simply disconnected the Livebox and uninstalled the Wanadoo software, then connected he Netgear router and it all worked immediately.


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I use Wanadoo, originally at 1MB but now at 8MB (or whatever my line will support at the time up to 8MB) with a Thompson Speedtouch 510 Ethernet ADSL router (with no WiFi). The WiFi is actually does through a separate industrial Access Point on the Ethernet (better coverage than the consumer ones).

The Thompson 510 was actually given to me by Wanadoo for the price of €10 (no rental). When I upgraded I checked about the router and they said “no problem”.

There may be some firmware issues, may not. At one point I upgraded the firmware on my 510 to some newer firmware I found on Thompson’s UK site and it would not work (Thomposon’s excellent helpdesk then told me it would not and I should use the French firmware available only from my French ISP. However, I hunted around and found some “Worldwide” firmware and that seems to work fine.


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  • 3 weeks later...
We have been using wanadoo ADSL since december 2004 without a livebox. Wanadoo supplied us with a Thomson SpeedTouch with Ethernet, which is connected to our Mac AirPort Extreme Base Station. Our computers have airport extreme cartes and this gives us wi-fi connection in the house and outside with a radius of about 45 metres.

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I have been folowing this theme with great interest as I have just taken out a subscription with Wanadoo.. In our area of 16, we can only get 516k at present, but hopefully we might get an upgrade when they improve the exchange!

I am able to get on line and acess the Internet and have received the Livebox though the post a few days ago. But I seem unable to get on to the Broadband service. My French is just about good enough to follow the instructions in the Installation Guide, but I dont seem able to get over the final hurdle. The reason given is that I have a bad connection to the Livebox. I have checked and checked and everything seems to be in order. I feel that there might be some subtle hint in the guide that I have overlooked, through my lack of the complete knowledge of the language, that is preventing me completing the installation properly!

I was hoping that someone reading this wail of despair might possible have an English version of the guide, that they may have obtained in the UK, which might give me a better insight into the installing  process, which I could purchase or borrow! I am more than willing to cover any expense!.

I would be pleased to hear from anyone who can help me as if I dont get it fixed soon, my wife says she will leave me and  go back to her mother, or worse still, bring her over here!


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Are you connecting the PC to the Livebox with a USB cable ?  If so (this is a wild guess) it is possible that the PC doesn't support USB 2.0 which I believe is required for the Livebox. If it's Windows XP on recent hardware then ignore this, but an older version of Windows could have this problem. Just a thought.

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[quote user="Lautrec"]

I am able to

get on line and acess the Internet and have received the Livebox though

the post a few days ago. But I seem unable to get on to the Broadband



Are you connecting to the internet through a dial-up connection? Or have I misunderstood?


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Thank you Ian. I have Windows XP so I should be OK with any USB cable. Is that right?

Steve. I am using the Wanadoo dial up system to access the Internet, with a separate USB cable from the telephone line into my tower. Would this affect the installation of the Livebox?

Thank you in anticipation!


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Thank you Ian. I have Windows XP so I should be OK with any USB cable. Is that right?

Steve. I am using the Wanadoo dial up system to access the Internet, with a separate USB cable from the telephone line into my tower. Would this affect the installation of the Livebox?

Thank you in anticipation!


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We have Wanadoo via  a Livebox attached with a USB cable.

First off have you got the ADSL telephone filters in EVERY telephone point in the house.

Second, once you have your Livebox etc and have loaded the soft ware if you get the message you are getting your line is sometimes not ready. We had to wait 15 days whilst France Telecom and Wanadoo decided which one of them were going to switch us on! However it does say in the handbook that you have to wait 10 days from the day of your order and then they suggest another couple of days after that.

Leave it all switched on and once your light stops blinking on top of the Livebox you know ADSL is working and you can complete your installation.

If you have had the box for more than 10 days (connected) then you can e mail me and I will try and help you further, we had no end of problems and it all took about 3 weeks in the end.

Also you can try the english free phone France Telecom number as they can check your line to make sure its all gone through ok their end - 0800 364 775 open 8.30 to 8.00 Monday to Saturday, they were as helpful as they could be.

Good luck




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I second what Carol said, it can be very painful in the beginning. It

took us about 2 weeks to get it up and running, because Wanadoo were

waiting for FT and FT were waiting for Wanadoo. Telephone support was

woeful ("Have you changed all your filters, because they need changing

every six months!", or so we were told! Luckily, I know a little more

than your average ADSL user, and told them so!)

Be patient, and perhaps got to a FT office, and get things sorted out there if it takes to long!

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Many thanks Carol and Babnik. There is more in this intallation business than meets the eye! In my ignorance I thought that the only time you would have to wait, was the time when you first put the CD ROM into the drawer and clicked and pressed different buttons and you were up and away. It seems that you still have to rely on someone out there in some big exchange to acknowledge your efforts and then turn you on!

I thought that the red lights on the Livebox were going to flash all the time and not just be a warning that were not connected yet! So I will bide my time but still I cannot get over the fact that the 'cle de cryptage' that I have carefully typed in  is still not being acknowledged as correct

So I will be patient for the customary ten days and then try again. I will also take up your invitation to contact you Carol to see if you can help me. By the way, congratulations on your very well designed web site; it certainly looks stunning!


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