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Setting up 'Outlook' in France

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Sorry for what might seem a pretty basic question but my problem is this.  We are due to move over to our cottage in France to live in March and I currently have an account in the U.K with Wanadoo.  My email address is with Outlook  via Wanadoo.  Before I move, I intend to let everybody in my address book know that I am moving and not to email me until I inform them of my new email address.  Once I cancel my account with Wanadoo U.K is there any way I can access my emails to check if any have slipped through after the move?  My hobby is geneaolgy and I get quite a lot of requests from people regarding this and I don't want any emails to enter a big black hole once my account has been closed.  It will take me a few weeks to get a phone line installed and an email account set up. Will I be able to easily set up a new Outlook account with Wanadoo in France or would it be easier to set up a Hotmail account?

Many thanks



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Always ask (no never any need to apologise for asking


When you cancel your Wanadoo contract in the UK I do not

know if they will cancel your e-mail immediately or not.  If e-mails are important, might be worth

asking them if you can keep the mailbox for a few months.  Worst case is you pay for a few months (by

not cancelling until a few months later).

When you are in France you should have no problems

connecting to Wanadoo UK through you French ISP and collecting mails that

way.  I don’t actually know Wanadoo UK’s

systems but you may easily be able to put a divert on the UK mailbox to you new

French ISP mailbox.

To make things really “slick” you could purchase your own

domain name (costs vary but e.g $50 per year or less) and have e.g.

<everything>@peebee.com (or some other domain.  With this you can then configure everything ending in e.g.

@peebee.com to divert to your Wanadoo UK address.  Then when you move you use a web browser to change the everything

@peebee.com to your French ISP mailbox. 

Everybody then continues to use the @peebee.com so if you ever change

again, no need to tell anybody as you just change the divert on your

domain.  Its easy to do, very non-technical.  You would have to tell everybody to change

to the @peebee.com but you can do that immediately and any e-mails you get to

@wanadoo.co.uk you mail back saying – address changed.  @peebee.com (or whatever you call it)

becomes a “divert” to wherever you want it to.

Setting Outlook to collect mail from Wanadoo.fr is not

difficult.  I use Outlook and it

automatically collects any mail every 5 mins (totally OTT).

Whilst everybody loves to be critical of Wanadoo (myself

included), they are actually no worse than most of the others.  You can open your Wanadoo account, etc. in

any France Telecom shop, you can do it online, etc.  If you are going ADSL you will probably need to know your

telephone number and may need a telephone line first (not being silly, but

Wanadoo )or any other ISP) need to request France Telecom link your ADSL line

to them – thus if the request gets in before you have a line installed much

confusion could arise).  With dial-up

this is not an issue.

Hope this helps.  If

not, ask further questions.


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Thanks for both of your replies.   I think I'll set up an email address with Yahoo like you suggest as it's a good idea to have a second address.  Ian will ring Wanadoo here and ask if I can keep the account for a couple of months.  I have been with Freeserve then Wanadoo for 5 years and never had any problems with them.  Changed over to Broadband last year without a hitch.  I have looked on the net to see if Neuilly le Vendin has got ADSL and it would appear that they have.  We are coming over for a week in the next couple of weeks to get the house ready for our arrival in March and hope to visit France Telecom to arrange for a phone line.  I'll try and sort out about internet connection at that time.  Do you know if the method of connecting up the ADSL line is the same as here in the U.K.  (i.e a good quality cable and filter and small modem)?



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With Wanadoo they try to push you to rent a “Livebox” from

them at €3 per month.  You do not need

this.  Most UK ADSL modems will work

(though not all).  Also, Wanadoo will

sell you a USB ADSL modem for €1 or an Ethernet ADSL modem for €10 when you

take out your subscription (both of which are quite low costs) – one off

purchase not rentals.

If you have problems finding about these other options, let

me know and I’ll hunt out the links. 

Remember you do not need one of their “Liveboxes” – which they may try

to push you to take.  Get one if you

want but not obligatory.

Otherwise pretty much the same – ADSL box to phone line

through a filter.  Filters on all

voice/fax/etc. sockets.  You can get the

French ADSL filter adapters in most DIY stores.


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Many thanks Ian,  I have rung Wanadoo U.K today and they explained that I can still retrieve my emails for about 6 months.  I then have to log in with my password etc. as they will think my account is not being used and suspend it.  This will keep it open for a further 6 months.  I can still keep the address even though I have cancelled my account, which is good news.


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