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Help me work with OpenOffice please

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I have finally downloaded OpenOffice (I'd been meaning to look at it for a long time) to replace Office on my PC.

I cannot seem to be able to download the French dictionary & thesaurus. I have gone to the Languages page, opened and marked the files but no language option shows when I open a document...

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thank you in advance

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I had much the same problem.   Problem is I can't entirely remember what I did but here goes:

I think I downloaded a small program which in turn was used to download the French dictionary,  with Open Office open and running.

I then had no joy,  but eventually found Outils -> options -> Parametres linguistiques -> langues,  then choose everything in French.

Initially I didn't realise I'd struck gold 'cos I copied and pasted a letter I'd written in Word and it didn't correct the mistakes.   However,  starting from scratch in Open Office and typing giberish did galvanise the spelling system to correct my French.

I have no patience with computers,  and whilst I admire people who take on Bill Gates I'm afraid that things like Linux and Open Office have a long way to go in terms of installation hurdles before people like me are going to defect to them wholesale.   Which is a pity. 

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I think that the small program that Martin is referring to is a macro file which is available from www.openoffice.org and is called 'dic000.sxw'

Once you have downloaded this, double click it in windows explorer and then it should open OpenOffice, with a warning about document macros. You have to click on 'enable macros' for this to work. If you are connected to the internet it will go and find a list of currently available language files, you should then be able to select a language file that you wish to download.

As Martin said, it isn't easy to install/configure open source software, but if you have already gone to the effort of downloading OO in the first place, then you are probably serious about using it, so it is worth persisting with.


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Thank you MartinWatkins and Tay for your replies.

I hang my head in embarrassement, it turns out that, as I had already downloaded the dictionary, all I had to do was close and restart the program. The spellcheck started straight away...

Sorry to have been such a novice... I'll persevere with it, as I am trying to wean my PC off Microsoft, as I find it too open to virus threats and the likes.

Thanks again

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