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haut débit for 10 euro's a month?

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 I came across an  offer from  Wanadoo called Compte Haut Débit.


  • Prix mensuel                         10 € TTC
  • Frais de résliation                   Aucun
  • Soumis à préselection             non
  • Modem obligatoire                 non
  • the field after 'Frais d'activation' is left empty.
  • the L'Offre en détail specifies: 10€/mois 1 heure comprise puis 1€/heure
Would that mean: 1 hour a month surfing  for 10 euro's and every additional hour 1 euro extra with no limit? I seem to recall an earlier offer where the additional costs had a maximum of € 39,95 a month.

No activation costs? Isn't that unlikely?

Would it mean I can use my own modem?

All help will be greatly appreciated.

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Right on all counts , well actually the ceiling is 39.90 per month!

They will throw in a USB modem for a one off payment of 1 euro.

Drawbacks  only 512k, and one hour a month really isn't very much. You don't need to add in many extra hours per month and the other offers rapidly become a lot cheaper.

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[quote user="BJSLIV"]

well actually the ceiling is 39.90 per month!

They will throw in a USB modem for a one off payment of 1 euro.

Drawbacks  only 512k, and one hour a month really isn't very much. You don't need to add in many extra hours per month and the other offers rapidly become a lot cheaper.


Thanks for replying so quickly!

Can I find confirmation of this ceiling of 39,90 per month somewhere?

I know one hour is very little (at home - not in France - I am online 24/7), but we are only in France for three to five months a year.

Say I surf to the maximum, that would add up to 200 euro's a year for five months - if I surf that much: pool and cherry trees may actually lure me away from the pc-  , plus 10 euro a month for the remaining months, makes something like 270 euro's a year.  Still relatively cheap, I thought. Or am I mistaken?

My reasoning was: I'll try it out for a year, see how it goes, and if necessary change next year.

By the way: I hate usb-modems, never heard a could thing about them. I would far prefer an ethernet multi-pc modem. That would be possible, I suppose? They are up for grabs now that lots of people go wifi it seems.

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You can order and see the details at


I was tempted myself, but thought say 10 weeks at 2 hour per day would mean say 135 euros plus 120 = 255 euros.

Compared to something like Tele2 at 24 euros per month =288

With no clock watching and a faster speed.

Neuf Telecom come in at 240 per year if you opt for preselection and a speed of 512.

On the other hand Wanadoo do seem to have a slightly better reputation than the rest of the suppliers who all seem to be a pretty rum bunch as far as customer service is concerned.


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I think your maths a bit out. If you use extras to 39.90 per month for

five months = 199.5E, you have to add on 10E x 12 = 120 for the full

year facility. Total = 319.5E.

As I understand it the 39.90 is in addition to the 10E per month.

My maths could also be wrong!!!!!!!!


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I think the wording could be read either way, but I think it means 39.9 per month all in.

One further thought. As you can change your service option twice a year without payment, I suppose one could opt for a better forfait during the summer then drop to 10 euros during the winter period. assuming a typical usage pattern......

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[quote user="powerdesal"]Adriana,

I think your maths a bit out. If you use extras to 39.90 per month for

five months = 199.5E, you have to add on 10E x 12 = 120 for the full

year facility. Total = 319.5E.

As I understand it the 39.90 is in addition to the 10E per month.


I read it as 39.90 per month max, therefore including the 10 euro per month.

But we shall see!

Thanks for replying.

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[quote user="BJSLIV"]

I think the wording could be read either way, but I think it means 39.9 per month all in.

One further thought. As you can change your service option twice a year without payment, I suppose one could opt for a better forfait during the summer then drop to 10 euros during the winter period. assuming a typical usage pattern......


Had not thought of it that way, but I presume there will be obstacles: the cheapo offer has no minimum contract period as far as I can see, but other deals typically have a one year minimal period (fair ebough)

I am not out for the absolute rock bottom minimum, just for a fair deal: we are in France for not even six months a year. We pay for a fast adsl connection at our main residence for 12 months a year, because that is worth it for us. It is not worth it for us to maintain a similar connection in France.

We have noticed that France Telecom is bending over backwards to accomodate (foreign) people with second homes in France in that they offer all sorts of sign on/sign off phone deals, so I thought: Are they doing it for internet yet?

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If you can get ADSL,  From March 1, Wanadoo have just reduced the price of  i mega unlimited access to 24€ per month but you have to sign up for 12 months.

.Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer qu’à compter du 1er Mars 2006, le prix de votre forfait Internet 1 Méga* baisse et passe à
24,90 € TTC/mois
au lieu de 29,90 € TTC/mois.Votre facture du mois de mars tiendra compte automatiquement de cette évolution de tarif.

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I think Powerdeal is talking about the 39.90 max on the 10 Euros per month ADSL service.

The answer is that it is a maximum charge. You can use the service for as long as you like but only pay 39.90. That is of course quite a lot to pay for a 512k service, if you hit the max very often!

As far as the old 56k dial up the excess charge is 3euros per hour, I don't think even FT would get try for 60 euros per hour, thats more like the charges for ADSL help lines.


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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

If you can get ADSL,  From March 1, Wanadoo have just reduced the price of  i mega unlimited access to 24€ per month but you have to sign up for 12 months.

.Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer qu’à compter du 1er Mars 2006, le prix de votre forfait Internet 1 Méga* baisse et passe à

24,90 € TTC/mois au lieu de 29,90 € TTC/mois.Votre facture du mois de mars tiendra compte automatiquement de cette évolution de tarif.


thank you all for responding.

This wanadoo offer may be the one I will go for.

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[quote user="Adriana"][quote user="Ron Avery"]

If you can get ADSL,  From March 1, Wanadoo have just reduced the price of  i mega unlimited access to 24€ per month but you have to sign up for 12 months.

.Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer qu’à compter du 1er Mars 2006, le prix de votre forfait Internet 1 Méga* baisse et passe à

24,90 € TTC/mois au lieu de 29,90 € TTC/mois.Votre facture du mois de mars tiendra compte automatiquement de cette évolution de tarif.


thank you all for responding.

This wanadoo offer may be the one I will go for.


No sign of a 1 mb offer on the Wanadoo site this evening, but if it is in line with their usual offers then it will be 24.90€ + 3€ for the live box, making 27.90€, for 29.90€ Free also offer 1mb (well as fast as poss actually) but with the added benefit of free phone calls to French landlines and to international landlines (15 countries).

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[quote user="Leslauriers"][quote user="Adriana"][quote user="Ron Avery"]

If you can get ADSL,  From March 1, Wanadoo have just reduced the price of  i mega unlimited access to 24€ per month but you have to sign up for 12 months.

.Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer qu’à compter du 1er Mars 2006, le prix de votre forfait Internet 1 Méga* baisse et passe à

24,90 € TTC/mois au lieu de 29,90 € TTC/mois.Votre facture du mois de mars tiendra compte automatiquement de cette évolution de tarif.


thank you all for responding.

This wanadoo offer may be the one I will go for.


No sign of a 1 mb offer on the Wanadoo site this evening, but if it is in line with their usual offers then it will be 24.90€ + 3€ for the live box, making 27.90€, for 29.90€ Free also offer 1mb (well as fast as poss actually) but with the added benefit of free phone calls to French landlines and to international landlines (15 countries).


Wanadoo notified me about the price reduction on the 1MB

ADSL a few weeks ago – so its definitely happening.



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I was in Le Mans this Sat and a large supermarket there was

selling ADSL packages/subscriptions and Club Internet were offering 15MB for

15€ per month.  I was in a queue at the

time so didn’t look massively closely so don’t know if this was for e.g. the 1st

3 days, or subject to a 100 byte per year download limit.  Also, no idea about Club Internet’s


However, if I’m not too cynical about what limits the

package much have, sounded quite a decent price.  Their higher spec package (20) was something like 20€ per month

(and included a free support line telephone number !!).




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