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Switching ADSL ISP

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We've finally given up with Cegetel so will be switching ADSL provider to Wanadoo.  They seem to have quite a good offer on right now. and we hear from most they are generally considered the best quality and best service.

In the UK we needed to call our old ISP and get a code that was then given to the new ISP so they could take over the service.  Does anyone know the process for switching ISP in France?  Is it the same as the UK?  We don't want to be paying both Cegetel and Wanadoo at the same time.


PS - If you want some reasons not to ever use Cegetel:  Reason 1: We needed to install a timer-switch (the sort used to switch lights in and off) on their C-BOX as it needs rebooting 15 times a day.  Reason 2: Their customer service is unbelievably poor.  Reason 3: Their customer service is unbelievably expensive... Reason 4...... this could go on all day.

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No idea about procedure to change. Wanadoo are OK but they are not perfect (none of the ISP’s are) so when you switch to whoever, do be realistic about what you will get.

Do avoid Wanadoo’s software as it is unnecessary and may cause you problems (it is generally considered not very good and not very necessary).

Wanadoo will try and push a Livebox on to you. Unless you want any of the features specific to the Livebox I would avoid this. Firstly, if you do really want a Livebox then ask about buying one rather than renting it. Wanadoo push the 3€ per month rental but last Dec you could buy one outright for 45€. However, Wanadoo will also sell (outright) you a USB ADSL modem for 1€ or an Ethernet modem for 10€ (and you can then use any wireless Access Point on a network if you also want WiFi). A lot of people seem to experience a lot of problems with the Livebox (just back search through posts here to read the comments).

Also, some of the “features” Wanadoo try and push (e.g. Voice over IP for a low cost from Wanadoo) are available free through any ADSL connection and do not require their Livebox and their additional subscription. Remember that all the ISPs are trying to separate you from as much of your money as they can – Wanadoo are no different in this respect.


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