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Warning on SNM

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My son spends hours in the evenings and weekends chatting to his Lycée friends and family in the UK via SMN or SNM (sorry don't know what it is called). Yesterday he had the shock of his life when he got a phone call from his close friend saying that someone had used my son's password and was sending messages of porn, paedaphilia,homosexual chat and god knows what else in french to him. Naturally my son is devastated at who could or would do such things and spent ages trying to contact all he could remember or know their addresses to say it wasn't him and that he has a new password now. Obviously a lot of people will have to be told personally at school today but if they realise its the complete opposite to the sort of person my boy is, they will ignore these messages. Whilst he was chatting via this service to another friend,a message came in at the same time from this person so we have a "witness". This is really a warning to other parents and users that your password is not safe however much you think it is and don't put anything on there like financial details or family or personal things either.
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Maybe you mean MSN. The Microsoft Network.

Nothing typed into the computer should be treated as secure under any circumstances.

It seems that even the internet security software companies are having a hard time keeping up with things.

Just Google "internet security issues"

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[quote user="Val_2"]Yes it is called MSN although I hadn't any idea about it and what it was but I will pass your advice onto him to look at security issues. Still dosn't excuse these sick perverts though.[/quote]

Sorry Val_2

I meant to mention that my Google search was for news items. But any search of "internet security" will bring up lots of stuff.

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