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Our daughter in the UK has recently aquired a web cam and duly set the whole thing up. She has a broadband connection, whereas we are dial up. We can chat away for about 15 minutes without a problem but then our end freezes and although we can hear/see her, she gets nothing from us and one of us to reconnect and start again. Do you think this is because we are only dial up?

Our dial up service is with Wanadoo and we have always been happy with our limit of  10 euro a month for 25 hours worth of internet time. We are now considering going ASDL but does anyhone know  the cheapest deal we can get?


thanks in advance

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Hi mayennaise

We too have the same problem.  We use MSN and all our friends and family have the same.  We are also on Wanadoo, but we have a broadband connection.  When we looked into this problem, MSN indicated it may be due to firewalls etc, but alas, we still haven't sorted the issue.  but it is no hardship,a little annoying sometimes, the family etc know this problem exists and by the time we are 'locked out' we are back on again!! If you do ever get it resolved, please let us know!!

good luck[:D]


Chadeniers 17

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We are on ADSL here in France and when we talk to friends and family in the uk or france on Broadband we do not have a problem but friends and family here in France or in the UK on dial up yes, freezes, feedback, long delays etc. It proved it the other week when a friend who lives 20 minutes from us was on dial up and we talked on MSN it was awful but now she is on ADSL  it is like they are in the next room.

We found that if we just used voice or webcam and typed it was not bad but Video was a no no if one of you is on dial up.

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