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Have recently switched from Tiscali dial-up to Wanadoo ADSL. I must admit it was a difficult transfer with all sorts of problems to hurdle before all was finalized. I took out a standing order (prelevement) with Wanadoo and paid monthly. After a couple of months; on checking my France Telecom account, I discovered to my horror, that I was paying a dial-up charge to them on top of my monthly charge with my new server!

I wrote to FT and asked for an explanation why I was paying them although I had a monthly account with Wanadoo and was told that I was still connected to them with my dial-up modem which was not needed anymore as I was now using a LiveBox for my ADSL broadband connection.

I quickly pulled out the telephone plug from the back of my computer; two months to late; leaving me with an extra charge for France telecom for Euros165. I know it was a mistake caused by my ignorance and I will contact France Telecom and without much hope; try to get a refund for the amount I have paid them. Anyone going through the same process; please take note!


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OMG Lautrec,

We are in the process of doing exactly what you did, so when I finished reading your post I called my froggy hubby over to the computer and told him to read what happened to you.

  He did and when he'd finished his mouth dropped open, his eyebrows squished together and he had that expression on his face  that the french have when they're thinking - "Oh la la ces anglais..."

Thank you though Lautrec, and I hope you get a refund.

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The problem is that you have been using the dial up number with FT which you will have to pay for.  The livebox connects to a free 08 number, normally when you change over with a contract Wanadoo dial up connection, Wanadoo cancel your dial up account so that you cannot connect to it.  When you set up the Livebox you were given a number to enter for your phone connection, is that what you entered when requested during the installation of the livebox?

If you were still using dial up, did you not notice that it was slow for ADSL or that you had no wi-fi connection?  It is possible of course that you were on ADSL but through a dial up connection number, I'm not sure if that is possible, so perhaps Wanadoo is your first port of call if they did not cancel your dial up account or were you on pay as you go?  They may just refund your first couple of months ADSL fee.  I was lucky to ann extent, because my PC kept looking for the dial up modem and not the live box, we had to take out the modem to cure it.  I doubt FT will refund anything but you can try.

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[quote user="Teamedup"]

I am wondering why you have changed to Wanadoo. I did not like them at all and would be loathe to use them again. We got rid of them as soon as our contract ran out.


Probably for the same reason as us - he didn't have a choice.  Don't forget out in the sticks we've been waiting for ADSL for years so you don't have a choice in the server. Don't know what all of that means but I hear my froggy hubby saying it to people[:$]

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I wouldn't be too sensitive. A few years ago I caught a local taxi from my nearest town to my house and the weather was quite foggy. So I said to the taxi driver in English "it's quite foggy isn't it". To which he replied  "Frogs. There are frogs here?". He then went on to mention the "Ros bifs" and we had a good laugh. French (fog) humour I guess.

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Why didn't you like Wanadoo TU?  Wanadoo are no problem to thousands and thousands of users and for 24€ for unlimited ADSL and free phone calls, offer, I think good value.  Apart from instructions in techie French when setting up new hardware and having to pay for the help line I cannot fault them, everybody has their preferences, I would not touch Free with a bargepole but someone on here swears by them, however TU in much of rural France you do not have a choice, you have to use Wanadoo as that is the only supplier, but then again FT/Wanadoo put in the facilities for ADSL so why shouldn't they get some returns? 
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[quote user="Tresco"]

Twinks, if you like me call your OH French, whether you like him or not.

I have got sensitivity problems, but those who like me understand and accomodate them, and I feel we all (well, mainly me) benefit from it.[6]


Noooo! Nothing to do with being French - he actually LOOKS like a frog!  He doesn't mind me calling him that, it's a term of endearment for us.  He calls me his doggy wife[:-))]

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Thank you for all replies and for the helpful advice. Firstly Tresco, Wanadoo are owned by France Telecom and hopefully that being the case; they might be inclined to make a gesture to me, in the way of a part refund, but it might be with the middle finger!

Ron Avery, you said that your problem was similar and so you took out your modem. All I have done is to pull the telephone connection out from it. Do you think that is suffcient or should I also disconnect the modem internally?  In answer to your query, I never ever had dial-up with Wanadoo, I went right into ADSL at the inset! As someone else remarked; If I wanted broadband, I had to go to Wanadoo as the only server in this area of the Charente.

So now, with the aid of my Desktop Translator, I will now compose my begging letter to France Telecom in my best 'pigeon Francais!' I may plead poverty or just plain ignorance, or a combination of both with a little slice of pathos thrown in! I will state  my success or lack of it on this site. Watch this space!



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We went from AOL to Wanadoo and it felt like we had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

RE Wanadaoo. It was a few years ago now and I remember having all sorts of problems. I know dial up can be slow, but this was terrible a lot of the time and the help line wasn't. And their e-mail system and their page layouts were a nightmare. Absolutely nothing was easy to do. It drove me mad and we were signed up for a year with them. And I know that we had a problem with our phone bill too, but am not sure now how that got resolved, or if it did. We moved from them to World on Line, us and the neighbours and it was so much better, an incredible difference. Since then WOL has changed a few times, including  to Tiscali and is now Alice.


We waited to get ADSL too. And we were told that we would have to have Wanadoo too, I checked the Tiscali site and they said that I could have it too, so we took it with them, just changing our contract over. Painless it was.



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I did not read your first post  properly so missed the bit about Tiscali dial up, Wanadoo change all their dial up customers over when ADSL becomes available in the area.  It seems that you were still connecting to Tiscali and not to Wanadoo because your Wanadoo calls are free.  Taking the phone line out of  your PC  is a start, the Wanadoo  modem is the Livebox, you can connect by hard wire to the Livebox  but Wi-fi is better as it does it through a dongle (aerial) which you got with the Livebox.  We took out the modem not because it was connecting via the modem, it just would not find the Livebox, I think a CD was also missing for installing the dongle and getting it to find the livebox, it kept telling us the modem was the old 56k one.

If you were still getting dial up, then there is something wrong with your set up and Livebox phone connection,  You have installed the new split phone plug haven't you?  Have a look at the book or try Wanadoo,co.uk for help if you cannot understand the terminology in French, they also use Livebox on Wanadoo UK

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