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flaming emails!

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Over the past week my inbox on wanadoo has been flooded with weired emails. The first few I opened as they had headings such as Low Cal , and holiday booking.(I am a member of a few food sites , and the other wondered if a friend was asking to come for a break) when I opened them it is a mail shot advertising a so called strong buy on some market shares that I MUST buy, (yeah right, in dollars from some place in heavens knows where, which sounds like it would be full of paddy fields!)

I have deleated them , trated them as indesirable , chucked em in the rubbish bin and even replied to a few...which come back as undelivered mail, No supprise there then.

Has anyone else had them, they are getting on my nerves as it is the same thing every time under a very innocent heading. It is getting now where I do not know weather to open any emails at all. How do I get rid of these things and stop them coming? I must have had 6 today, my average on a normal day of `normal `emails is probably less than that.


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No doubt someone will come along with a better suggestion, but I have been having a similar problem and downloaded some software called spamjab(spamjab.com) from the net. Although for the first couple of days it will keep asking you if you want to receive certain messages (usually from people or organisations that you DO want to hear from) it soon settles down, and I can say that since downloading it my spam e-mails have totally stopped and not one has made it through to my inbox. Last week, I was getting 15-20 a day..............
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[quote user="Croixblanches"]No doubt someone will come along with a better suggestion, but I have been having a similar problem and downloaded some software called spamjab(spamjab.com) from the net..[/quote]

I LOVE YOU!!! Seriously!  This thing seems to be truly amazing!  15-20 a day?  Try 300 a day!  That's about the number of spam messages that I get. Because my email addresses are the ones I use for business purposes, I can't simply drop or change them to get rid of the problem.  I know that we shouldn't publish our email on our websites, but that horse is long out of the barn.

I keep waiting for there to be a catch with this service, but just since signing up, it's collected 20 spam messages.

So, bless you, Croixblanches!


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I use two yahoo.co.uk e mail accounts and, so far, don't get any spam.

I realise that I have probably opened the flood gates by saying that

but I do sometimes wonder why and how yahoo manage to filter. Maybe I

am also missing some genuine e mails but I will never know.

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[quote user="PossumGirl"]
I LOVE YOU!!! Seriously!  This thing seems to be truly amazing!  15-20 a day?  Try 300 a day!  That's about the number of spam messages that I get. Because my email addresses are the ones I use for business purposes, I can't simply drop or change them to get rid of the problem.  I know that we shouldn't publish our email on our websites, but that horse is long out of the barn.

I keep waiting for there to be a catch with this service, but just since signing up, it's collected 20 spam messages.

So, bless you, Croixblanches!


[:$][:$] Long may it continue for you (the spam filter, not the sudden and embarrassing love for me, although I appreciate the sentiment!) I so far haven't a bad thing to say about it, and it's done it's job well. It always asks me who I want to receive mail from, and all those I've refused have disappeared into the ether never to return.

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For some reason wanadoo.fr addresses seem particularly prone to this sort of spam.

Jayjay mentioned blue security. This was recommended to me by the Mailwasher people, but unfortunately there was a serious security breach just afterwards as a result of spammers reacting rather strongly to its policy of giving them back a taste of their own medicine. Since signing up to the service I have found that the e-mail address I used for Blue Security has been spoofed, mainly for viagra and other medications. So I'd advise caution with that particular measure. Despite that particular blip, I find that Mailwasher provides valuable guidance as to what should be deleted, before it arrives at my computer, but still leaves the option open to keep messages that may be genuine, unlike many ISP's own anti-spam policies.

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With AOL, most of my spams are filtered automatically.  When they brought in their new spam policy, mine went down from 20/30 per day to 3 per week.

I have to have a hotmail address as well for those people who are banned by AOL e.g. I ordered a tapestry set and the firm had been banned as they had emailed too many existing customers who had reported them.

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I see that the Spammers did not like Blue Security and have “closed it down” (i.e. they have been attacking it online until those running it “throw in the towel” – which Blue Security have now done). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4990622.stm


This is actually a familiar pattern.  Many SPAM sender listing sites in the past are now closed down as the Spammers make online attacks until the site either grinds to a halt of the operators give-up as its just too much trouble.


I think the only way for Spammers to really be stopped is for ISPs to start blocking them and taking action.  The idea that you cannot copy an e-mail to more than x people is a good plan (and maybe not more than xx per day to avoid repeated sendings).  Maybe they could add the option to “buy a license” to be allowed to send more and they would add a link to each mail that would give those receiving it to complain and too many people complaining via the link would revoke the license.  I’m sure it can be done, its just that the ISP are not interested except to sell you their “add-on” anti-spam options (allowing them to make money from the SPAM).



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