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Has anyone had problems with France Telecom/Wanadoo/Orange in obtaining a contract for 2+ megabytes? We started up ADSL on two and since July 1st they dropped it to one, slower. We have a contract saying we have 2 until July 2007. I intend going into the office tomorrow and want to be prepared. You know what it's like trying to talk about technical things in french.Pat.

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Good luck.  The way most ISPs word their contracts here you basically have to die or move to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean before you can get out of them - even if they are not providing the service they are supposed to be.

Sorry, speaking from bitter personal experience.

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 I have pretty limited French and find this is not a problem when arguing about contracts and technical things with France Telecom. In fact it can be an advantage - particularly if you go into an FT shop to "sort it/them out". On the telephone they can just give-up but if you are in the shop they would have to physically eject you.

If they start insisting you need a Livebox for more than 1MB that is total rubbish. when I increased from 1 to "more than 1" I checked with their technical group first and it is not a problem. when the "more than 1" did not work reliably (because I'm too far from the exchange), their commercial people started saying it was my fault for not having a Livebox and tried to sell me one. I checked again with Wanadoo technical and they said this was rubbish and I did not need a Livebox to run at over 1MB.


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Well that's strange, because we have a Live box and assumed it was essential. Talkingon the phone to 3901 - last week when we were having problems I must have rung up at least 10 times. Twice they put the phone down on me ( I think they could hear the yelling in english in the background) and once a poor lady who was really trying hard to communicate eventually said I can't help you any more until you get an interpreter. But in the office there is one girl who speaks good english. Pat.

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I have had Wanadoo support hang-up on me twice, though have had to call them loads of times (thus a very small proportion of calls). Both times has been with somebody who was really not prepared to make any effort to understand. I just call back, get somebody else and its fine. Never had any problem with FT hanging-up, even though I've had some quite major arguments with them.

Wanadoo push the Livebox hard. It is only necessary if you want their specific add-on services (e.g. their TV which is only available in certain areas anyway). I purchased a standard Ethernet ADSL modem from Wanadoo for 10€. I could have purchased a USB one for 1€. These offers (or similar ones) are still available but are well hidden as Wanadoo prefer you to pay 3€ per month for ever ('cos they make more money from you that way). I actually checked last Nov about buying a Livebox and I could have purchased one outright from Wanadoo for 43€ (equivalent to less than 15 months at Wanadoo's 3€ per month). Again, this option is well hidden (if still available). For my WiFi I have a separate Access Point connected to the network. Again, it's cheaper for me that way, plus I have a solution that works. A lot of people seem to have a lot of problems with this Livebox thing.

These days I am always suspicious of anything Wanadoo tell me if it does not make complete sense. that said, I don't think Wanadoo are any worse than any of the other French ISPs - all as bad as each other.


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[quote user="Deimos"] 

These days I am always suspicious of anything Wanadoo tell me if it does not make complete sense. that said, I don't think Wanadoo are any worse than any of the other French ISPs - all as bad as each other.


Well said.  I tried to solve problems with Club Internet for 2 months and failed to get anywhere.  Only solved by changing ISP.  They put a lot of effort into advertising and zilch into after sales service.  I know, I've mentioned it elsewhere before, but it still rankles!

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