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DVD Rom computer question

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Could someone please give me advice/ help with my computer?

For some reason when I put a game into the DVD Rom  they don't register at all. Could this be a hardware problem ? Or could I have changed the settings by accident, or deleted something? If so, can anyone point me in the right direction. I'm not bad with a computer and most problems I can deal with but this is the first time this has happened.



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Sorry if some of the attached seem pathetically simple but I remember people plugging the keyboard into the cassette ports of IBM PCs.

If you have both a CD drive and a DVD drive are you sure you are putting the disk in the correct tray ?

If you select RUN and then Browse and chose the drive ( normally D: or E:) and application does the game run ? If it does then you have probably turned off 'Auto Run' some here in the control panels.

If you put a disk in the drive does the PC recognise the drive ? Does it speed up ? Does it give a directory listing ? 

If the PC won't even run the diskdrive try getting the original software and reinstalling the software from the floppy disk.

If you have kids about the house ask if they have installed any new games or changed anything. ( NB they will say "NO" but check how they say it as they might provide some clues.

Watch the boot sequence and see if that has changes or asks for anything which is not there.

Unplug the power cable, take the back off the PC aand check the cables are firmly pushed in.

Which version of Windows are you running and have you installed any new software recently ?

If it is any consolation I spent 4 hours today finding the ANSI version of ATL71.DLL and reinstalling the HP software in order to restore my scanner after somebody who may shortly be supporting the new patio said ‘yes’ to an on line update.



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Thanks for your reply Anton,

Just to sum up - I use XP, I am using the correct drive, I havent moved or unplugged the PC recently, the boot sequence seems the same, and I havent installed any software recently.

My son had been playing a pc game without problem and the next day it said that it had been uninstalled and needed reinstalling but when he tried it didn't work. He thought it was just that game, ignored it and forgot about it. But it turns out that it's with every game that we try and install. However I do remember uninstalling a lot of games a while ago as they were never used and taking up too much memory, but I can't think why this would cause a problem like this.

I selected RUN and browse as you suggested but the PC then tells me to insert a disk! So it's not recognising the disk at all, though it does speed up when I put one in.

If I reinstall the original software, (if I can find it!) would it have any adverse effect on the rest of my stuff on the PC?

Thanks again Anton


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Have a look through all the DVDs or CDs which came with the PC and you may find the one with the DVD drivers on it.

Also click on my computer and then right click on the drive letter and look at properties. If you find out what the device is you may be able to download the drivers for it from the web

Provided you find the disk for the DVD drive it should not affect the rest of the stuff.

If I had loads of stuff on a database, spreadsheets or an accounting system I would link it to a friend's PC and get a backup before trying to do anything else.



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As if by magic one of my 'holiday home' French neighbours turned up this morning to use my internet connection, immediately recognised a problem, cleaned up my PC (apparently I've not been doing it properly!) and sorted out my disc problem. Unfortunately I didn't see what he did but I think it may have been the 'AutoPlay' settings. He was in a rush so didn't have time to show me.

Anyway, thanks for your help, at least I know what to do if it happens again - I think!


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